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RE: Snowy Mountain : Foggy Valley

in PhotoFeed4 years ago (edited)

The long exposure photo is lovely Hannes, with the oval shape of the snow kissed trees around the emerald water. Snow is a little early but it has a special beauty when it falls on trees.

Gorgeous landscape photos with the snow showing on the mountains and the fog adding a bit of mystery. Another interesting element os the different colored rocks that catch the eye.

The tree on the rockface and thick fog makes a unique photo. It’s doing good to keep standing straight. I hope you go back to check it out in winter.



Good morning Jo,

it was still a bit too dark in the morning and because of the clouds for that photo, but I like the shots I have taken there - there are more of course ;)

Without the fog separating it from the background this tree on the rockface didn't look that good. I have taken photos of it before, but they weren't any good. I'll definitely go back there in Winter when all is White :)

As always I thank you so much for the tip and the rehive and for your kind words, dear Jo, wish you a wonderful Autumn day 🔆🤗

Cheers and !BEER

Afternoon Hannes 😊

You are most welcome and I forgot the !BEER. 🍺

A rainy night and today is already 13C but overcast. Maybe more rain.

Have a wonderful day dear Hannes.🤗🌝

Hi Jo,
never mind the !BEER 😉

We still have nice weather, but it is quite cold and foggy in the mornings.

Hope you also have a wonderful day, dear Jo 🤗🌞


Hi Hannes,

We had a day of rain off and on but staying warm during the day for this time of year. The leaves are really starting to change now so everything looks colorful.

Tomorrow our last letters of the Alphabet Hunt will be finished. Do you have yours completed? I have something finished and had to improvise on a few. 😄

Have a lovely Thorsday 😀dear Hannes

Hi Jo ☺️

We have still nice and warm autumn weather.

I have had a quite stressful day at work and at the moment I am driving with my son to Styria to buy a new car because my Peugeot was too old to pay for the necessary repairs. I am glad that I have even got some money for it 😉
Hopefully we will find a car we both like 😂 lol
In Styria the cars are cheaper than in Carinthia.

I have my XYZ post complete, but we will come home late tonight, so I will post it tomorrow I think.

Wish you also a wonderful Thor's day, dear Jo 🤗🌞

Cheers and !BEER

Mornin’ Hannes,

You are having a busy day. I hope you found a suitable car at a good price that you and your son both like. 😄

I was in Charlottetown shopping with a friend so I was late posting my XYZ post.. I look forward to see what you came up with for the end letters.

May Frigg’s day be more calming dear Hannes. 🤗🌟

Good morning Jo,

well, the car we were looking for was not as good looking as on the photos 😉
So we drove home without anything, but this morning I have found another one, which is a bit more expensive, but I think my son will like it. And if he doesn't like it I don't mind, because then I can have it more often for me 🤣 lol

So, this afternoon we will get the new car and of course test it a bit. That's why I don't know if I will be on the Hive today, but I will try, because I'm curious on the XYZ's 😉

Hope your Friday is also wonderful, dear Jo 🔆🤗

Cheers and !BEER

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