Dragonflies that are not wild can be caught with their own hands

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good morning, how are you on this beautiful morning, hopefully wherever hive friends are all in good health and in their protection, I hope today's activities go as desired, and hopefully today will be very pleasant, meet you again with @aminah01


On this morning or on this occasion I want to tell all my friends about a dragonfly and there I took some pictures of it, to show all of my friends, I hope you like it too.


This dragonfly is not wild there is also a wild dragonfly, I can catch this dragonfly, I catch it not to kill it or hurt it, but I really like dragonflies, because dragonflies have many colors, there are red, green, and yellow like the color of this dragonfly but a little bit brown, like the color of the betel nut he was standing here when I took the picture, it's almost the same color as the betel nut tree.



Dragonflies also have feathers to be able to fly in the wild like in the air, if the other dragonflies make a little sound or our voice goes straight, they fly away, but this one doesn't so I can catch it, after I caught it I took another picture of it. I hold him, after that I let go again, so he can also play again with him flying wherever he wants, in this wild.


Dragonflies also have big feet and eyeballs, if you look closely at their eyeballs, they are very attractive and beautiful to me, that's how beautiful it is, so even children like to catch them, but it's hard to get them. ,maybe children like dragonflies because they think helicopters


Not only children who like dragonflies, I also really like it, because it can fly everywhere, sometimes there are many dragonflies that fly together in the afternoon so it looks very beautiful and attractive.


That's all from me more and less I apologize profusely, if there is a well in the field we can take a bath if there is a long life we ​​can meet again greetings @aminah01

Model camerahotwav
 2 years ago (edited) 

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