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RE: The Most Memorable Day in my life ❤️ [EN|ES] // El día más memorable de mi vida

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Wow... Only heaven knows the apprehension you must have gone through. It must have been so tough for you.
Thankfully you and the baby came out of it in good health, which makes the good news all the more satisfying.
This is a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it with us.

N.B: When making posts on the chosen topic, make sure to use the #hl-exclusive tag, this will enable your post to be seen easily. Using the tag is one of the requirements for this program.
Thank you for your cooperation.

 2 years ago  

Hello Brunom, how are you? Thanks for leaving me your comment. This post has been very eventful, even though it is the one that has come from my heart the most. I published it late, because I had a confusion with the schedule. After posting it, I read the rules about the use of TAgs, and edited to add hl-blog and the country tag. I just edited again to add the hl-exclusive tag. But I checked and my post is not seen in the community, I don't know if it previously went through a review process.

But I noticed that not all the published posts that you see there have the tags. If you could guide me in this regard I would appreciate it.☺️