in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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Thought we moved past this, past the unreasonable search and harassment of the police over young ones

This was the root of the riot and protest that happened 20th of October 2020 in my country and a solution was provided the accused force SARS ( special anti-robbery squad ) was disbanded and a little peace began to reign, not for the police itself to constitute the same nuisance and start with the unreasonable search and harassment

I was out over the weekend and on my way, I passed through a bridge with police at the checkpoint then the guy beside me and i was stopped and searched as moving pass a bridge we both concur with the search and raise our hands not until when the policeman required both our phones be submitted for a search and detained both of us all for no reason.

We were both surprised and after a long search going through our phones with nothing to bring forth we were both asked and required to follow up to the police station.

Why do we have to follow you to your station?

we are not accused of any crime so why should we go ahead with you to the station?

Then the police replied "so you are resisting arrest" as if it was some kind of joke every of our belongings was collected immediately and the atmosphere immediately changed they start treating us like criminals.

saying we are one, just because we are not found with something incriminating does not justify us not being criminals.

I was shocked
does this look like a reasonable reason for arrest?

They had guns and so many stories of victims killed in the same scenarios like this all because they tried to make their rights known made me and the guy beside me remained silent.

I knew they were not going to take us to the stations all they wanted was money but I was not ready to give up my money for no reason not even after I was harassed and treated as a criminal and after so many merry-go-roundings from the police, he concluded that we need to bail ourselves.
I knew it will end up in this EXTORTION

The main reason we were stopped and searched was for them to extort us.
I plan on staying there till I get release as I was not ready to give any penny likewise the guy with me and after a short wait another young one was stopped and searched too and immediately he became a victim and their attention was diverted to the new victim and we immediately was released.

If the guy has no confidence in him he sure would be ripped off all his money and if care is not taken would be beaten and labeled a criminal just to justify their actions.

Day by day this is getting out of hand and the level young ones harassed is alarming.

so many have been ripped off a lot and those that try to let their rights known died in the process.

Thought we moved past this but seeing things like this makes my heart broken and pray for a better police force and reform in the police force.

So many have been victims and what we once fought for is reoccurring.

Different names, different victims, same flashbacks

I just hope things get better only with this the country becomes peaceful.

 2 years ago  

It is very sad how the fundamental human right to live is threatened in a space that is meant to kill you with other issues. Police brutality has been a long issue overlooked by Nigerians.
We saw nothing wrong with it, now look at how bad it has gone

 2 years ago  

It has gone pretty bad bro day by day getting worse.
I just hope and pray it gets better

 2 years ago  

My heart breaks over and over anytime I hear such stories

People that are meant to protect us
Extorting and harassing us

Nigeria is a mess right now

 2 years ago  

Some even get killed in the process.
It's getting out of hand we need a reform.
I just pray and hope it gets better

 2 years ago  

Abeq am not sure I can wait for a reform

I choose to run first Abeq

 2 years ago  

Lol..i kuku agree with you.

It is sad. The corruption in West African countries has always been disgraceful and I thought Nigeria would have improved since I worked there. However stories like this are proving this wrong. I hope you are okay, and you are right, they found no reason to arrest you, so make up any shi.t to extort money. They get a police uniform and think they are above the law and can make their own laws. Sad to see but you are following same the path as many other countries with corrupt police.
The Police forget that they are there to serve the public, we are their employers. I really get annoyed with them.

I am visiting you this evening as part of my Terrific Tuesday Dreemport Weekly Challenge Encouragement program. How are you getting on, are you helping your partner and did you exercise today, don't forget the increased targets? Wishing you are having or have had a Terrific Tuesday Ed😁

 2 years ago  

The Police forget that they are there to serve the public, we are their employers. I really get annoyed with them.

Exactly they forget this
I just hope they realize that what they are compelled to do.
Oh yes I did complete all task today.
Though the physical activity was a bit challenging today but then im not ready to give up
How are you doing with the challenge?
Let's all get a gold star this week.
And yes @tengolotodo thank you for dropping by.

Yes they need to changed for police who will help and not harass!

Oh my challenge is ongoing, not enough water and I have not written in hive or my book today, but still have some left.

 2 years ago  

Do well to keep up


 2 years ago  

It's just so sad to hear and see these things happening. We need a savior. Meanwhile, as regards Dreemport challenge, hope you did well with the physical activities?

 2 years ago  

Yeah did well today thank you for dropping by

 2 years ago  

Thank God you knew what to do and never gave in to their antics to extort you. When they were tired, they released you. Well, it's the kind of country we find ourselves. What right does any one have to I cade the privacy of your phone, let alone taking you away to their office without a tangible reason. Thank God you weren't hurt.

So how was your day? I hope you are moving I with the tasks of this week's challenge? I stopped by to say hello.
Best regards, on behalf of dreemport

 2 years ago  

Yeah might have just been rip of my money.

My day has been sweet so far.
Yeah I did complete the task yesterday looking toward to complete today's own.
And you?
How has it been with the task so far?
Do forget to take enough water.

 2 years ago  

Hello partner!
Just checking in on you.
I trust that you completed your goals today🙂

 2 years ago  

Yeah I did thank you