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RE: TRADITIONAL BELIEF - Taboo or superstition you will tell

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I will never in my life visit your Community! What sort of scary tradition is this. This is too horrible and should be abolished Biko.

If one mistakenly kill the crocodile, he will give it a befitting burial with 🐄 cow, hmmmm you are guys living there are really trying.

Anyways thanks for sharing this your Traditional belief, if you see my leg in your Community, use knives and cut it off😄😄😄😄😄🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

 2 years ago  

You're speaking out of fear I can tell😁😁, but these CREATURES from this part is harmless you'll be surprised

And as for the burial it's not done with a cow, I didn't say so... You only give them a normal burial, it's the feast that is Celebrated with a cow 🐄

Thanks for coming around, hope to see you in my community when I'm getting married 🏃😂😂😂

 2 years ago  

Okay oo, only if the tradition has been abolished before you get married then I will show up otherwise na run 🏃🏃

 2 years ago  

Smiles 😁😁, I like the way you speak your mind
So that story nor go dey tommorow
Thanks for your good vibe also, hope to see more of you 😇😇