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RE: Getting older is almost going to the childhood again.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Becoming dependants they will need to accept what I think is the best for them, without making self-sacrifices.

hmmmm only if this part was that easy. I come from a Chinese background and there's a lot of the respect your elders and your elders are the wise ones kinda feeling. My grandpa is stubborn but our family just goes along with some of the things he says

 2 months ago  

My wife had a grandparent that now isn't with us anymore. He had an Italian background and he was stubborn and used to be like a patriarch ( I met my wife after he passed away, but my wife told me many things about it). So after he died he left a hole because people used to use him as a reference. End of the story until nowadays the children fight each other to decide what to do with what he left, his wife (my wife's grandmother) spent all the money on shit since she never had control of the money before and no one wanted to interfere since she was a matriarch. For example, she spent a 4k TV for her neighbor that nobody knew lol. In the end, she spent all the money and had to live with one of their children (my wife's uncle). Just to conclude I heard about Chinese tradition, but many other cultures work like that...

 2 months ago  

haha i wouldnt say chinese culture is like patriarch. just for my grandpas situation cuz he always thinks hes right lol and nobody dares to go against him cuz of his status of being older. This is just on my moms side but my dads side has no issue.

O.O I see your wife grandma went crazy lol 4k for random stranger might as well give me 4k :P

 2 months ago  

Imagine? Lol

 2 months ago  

o.o imagine the grandma giving me 4k :(?