From Programming to Panic: How My Day Turned Out

in Hive Learners3 months ago

I don't even know where to start in this article, but I just want to share the way I am feeling at this moment. Today was a little crazy; it felt good at the beginning, and now my feelings are a little bit complicated. As you read through, you will get to know why I am feeling this way.

For the past few days, I have been planning to take an introductory course in data science, making presentation slides to cover the basics needed.


These are the first two pages of the slides I made. The slides are a total of 55 pages, and I spent over 3 days making them so that they cover the important basics of what is needed to be known if you want to pursue a career in data science.

Initially, I chose to teach an introduction to Python programming course, but I was asked to take data science. Since I am into Artificial Intelligence, teaching data science was not a problem for me.

I was not able to complete the slides until this morning because of the Friday night rehearsal. This morning was when I took the class, but before then, I was told to take a web development class along with a data science class less than an hour before the programme was to start.

In less than one hour, I had to create a slide using Canva for web development. I had to switch on deadline mode in my head so that I could speedily do this.


I used the available template on Canva to rush this slide. The slides were 18 pages, and they covered the following topics: introduction to web development, aspects of web development, frontend and backend tools and frameworks, version control, web hosting and deployment, and available resources for further learning.


Immediately after the class, I went again to join the choir rehearsals that were ongoing.

I was happy with how the day went, but everything changed all of a sudden. While on my way home, I realised that my Mifi was not in my bag but on me. I checked the cab I entered but could not find it. I just got this Mifi not up to two weeks ago, and the SIM that is in it has 1 terabyte of data.

I had to go back to church to look for the Mifi, I searched everywhere and could not find it. My heart melted, and I had to tell people to spread the news of the missing Mifi; maybe, hopefully, a good samaritan would have helped me pick it up.

Thinking about losing my Mifi, makes me feel uneasy, but I am telling myself to see it as a blessing, using the word "every disappointment is a blessing in disguise.".

 3 months ago (edited) 

It's very bad that your Mifi is lost. Caused a lot of depression for you

sincerely, I was depressed about it. I was so tired and tried to take my mind off it.

 3 months ago  

so did you get your mifi back?

No I could not see it. Sadly!

 3 months ago  

that's sad. that means someone might have taken it :(

You are woirking hard and bettering yourself, so I commend you for that!:) It is awesome! I am so sorry that you lost your item :( I really hope you found it. But something great is just around the corner for you :)

I can relate to how you feel about losing the Mifi, hopefully you get to find it . It's just so funny how one's mood can go from a 100-0 real quick!

 2 months ago  

This is so sad for someone like you mifi is everything.
Tell me it has been found