Exotic Flowers - A Virtual Wednesday Walk

in Always a Flower4 years ago (edited)

Happy Hump Day Hivers!


Notice the acute amount of humidity that hangs in the air. We are in the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens. This is previously unseen footage that I have been sitting on for exactly a time like today! I always love to go out and shoot fresh content, but since it is pouring rain and there is not a bloom to be seen in nearly all of Michigan, we will make the rounds here! Thanks to @tattoodjay for the Wednesday Walk tag.


When it comes to flowers, I love them to be diverse and a bit odd. I thought these were cool as we dont have any like it here as a native plant.

Here are a few you can guess at...


Did you recognize it??


How about this one?


The answer is...



I like the delicate looking ones!


These look pretty sweet.



If I ever hit the lottery, there are a few things I would love to have, a sauna and a green house would be on the list!


I just love how lush the greens are in the tropical room.


Well I hope you enjoyed our virtual stroll among some unusual looking blooms. I dont know about you, but I could use a break, my feet are killing me lol.


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These are beautiful! The botanical gardens sure is a sweet spot! I especially love going to ours in the dead of winter. It is all cozy in there!

You really captured some gorgeous buds, I especially like the delicate ones too, which most of the time are pretty darn hardy.

Glad to see you warmed up, but, now you need to send @Pryde some of that rain! And when you move, you can build a sauna! They are pretty easy to do and you know, pride in ownership kind of thing. :) Have a great night! Hi-ho!

Upped and Reposted


Well of course, I am always happy to share. Well that is if you are talking about @prydefoltz. If she needs rain, who am I to be greedy.

Wouldnt a sauna be so nice on the cold winter days. Of course down there I may not have need of one!

haha @dswigle we are getting enough rain today:)

I love this flowers friend.😍

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Awesome shots, I love the first one with all of the mist!

The only time I've seen black pepper plants, was in @madushanka's posts a couple years ago, he toured us through some of his landscape.

Beautiful flowers! Having the names right there on signs is kind of cheating though, isn't it? I always have to guess the names of the flowers I find! :-)

I love them all! But, I am a tropical loving girl and I have always said I ended up in the wrong growing zone. lol
I once grew the plant in the first photo which is rather difficult. I think it was called a bat plant as the flowers looked like a bat in bloom. I don't know the latin name but it really does not matter. Those flowers are superb and I wish I had a conservatory that was also a butterfly habitat. That is my wish list. Have a great day old-guy.

Really beautiful flowers, @old-guy-photos. I especially love that last one. It reminds me of fireworks for some reason.

We are also not really seeing flowers yet in MN, but very soon!