IAmAliveChallenge 169 I am alive and very happy to anticipate the new furniture

in We Are Alive Tribe3 years ago
Hola hivianos, aprecio de todo corazón el gran apoyo que brindan cada día a mis post; Feliz de estar compartiendo mi ¨video¨ ciento sesenta y nueve consecutivos acompañando y apoyando este maravilloso desafío de   @flaxz . #IAmAliveChallenge . #hivelsalive. Estoy vivo y feliz de anticipar el nuevo mobiliario


Hi Hivianos, I appreciate with all my heart the great support you give to my posts every day; Happy to be sharing my "video" one hundred and sixty-nine in a row accompanying and supporting this wonderful challenge from   @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive. I am alive and happy to anticipate the new furniture

En esta zona del mundo ha estado lloviendo mucho, lo hizo desde el día de ayer a la tarde, si bien es una bendición para nuestras plantas, también lo es para las hierbas, ayer teníamos la intención de hacer algo en el huerto, pero la verdad estaba muy cansado para hacerlo

In this part of the world it has been raining a lot, it did it from yesterday afternoon, although it is a blessing for our plants, it is also a blessing for the herbs, yesterday we had the intention of doing something in the garden, but the I was really too tired to do it

Preocupado con esta afección que nos acosa, ya hemos superado el 1.090.000 enfermos y más de 29.000 fallecidos, ahí radica nuestro nivel de preocupación

Concerned with this condition that haunts us, we have already exceeded 1,090,000 patients and more than 29,000 deaths, therein lies our level of concern

Estoy muy contento de anticipar el mobiliario que estamos construyendo, se trata de una conservadora de frio móvil

I am very happy to anticipate the furniture we are building, it is a mobile cold storage

Hoy visite a estos hivianos y me encantaría invitarte que también pases a saludarlos

Today I visit these hivians and I would love to invite you to come and greet them too

Invited to meet me:  @fredkese
Invited to meet me:  @certain
Invited to meet me:  @marinmex
Invited to meet me:  @tobywalter
Invited to meet me:  @faraicelebr8


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Yeah celebrate life my friend.

How are you dear friend @ faraicelebr8 good day
I appreciate with all my heart this third visit and your kind words
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful morning

Rained here today. Guess it’s raining around the world.

How are you dear friend @fredkese good night
Apparently he is doing it in much of the world, I visited several hivianos and they commented the same thing.
thank you very much for this pleasant visit
have a great night

Enjoy your day