A Day In The Garden

Hello Hive Gardeners!

We finally had some good weather on this bank holiday weekend and I took the opportuntity to complete a couple of simple jobs in the garden. First of all, I got the bbq started ready whilst I pottered about in the garden.

As you can see here, the bed for the plants has not been completed and there is still grass growing and weeds and soil that needs to be removed. In its place, I will put some fresh stones to make this corner look nice.

Here I have already removed many of the huge weeds that had built up over the winter, this was my messy corner of the garden and I have been really keen to clean this up.

I was waiting for some nice weather and could get my hands dirty in the soil. The plan was to re-use some of this soil to plant some seeds with my son and give us a little mini project that we can do together and he can monitor how it is going.

Therefore, he got started first to gather the soil we needed for our seed project. He was very excited about it and was happy when we finally got started.

My choice of seeds were lettuce, carrots and zuccini. I think the lettuce ones were the best ones to go with as they can grow easily and at most times of the year. It is probably too late for tomatoes now.

With the soil gathered, we added some water and will now let the mini greenhouse do its work and check this each day for some progress. Hopefully we will get something growing and can plant into some pots or the bigger plant holders that I have.

Once I put down the cover to stop weeds coming through, I spread the stones out over the top and now it looked a lot nicer than before. I also topped up a couple of places with some extra stones too.

When I had some time, I also did some weed extraction from the grass. There are so many weeds and it seems like a never ending battle. I was tired of doing this after 20 minutes, so the battle will continue on for another week.

Overall, even though it was pretty hot in the early afternoon, it was great to be outside and touch some grass. I have been trying to touch grass every day and earth myself each day. It feels great to feel some grass under your feet.

Later in the evening, we went for an ice cream to the local shop where my daughter can buy the vegan chocolate one and finished off a great day. I hope you had a great Monday too.

Thanks for reading.

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All Photos are my own.

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Let's connect : mypathtofire


It looks like some fun yard work there. It's a constant battle to stay ahead of the weeds here too!

I hope those veggies grow well for you, I just put in some new tomatoes and peppers.

It was a lovely day. Hard to go back to the grind today. Glad I'm not the only one battling the weeds! Have a great week ahead!

Your charcoal chimney is looking rough there. I have three of them l, but the one I use the most has holes all up and down the side from where the metal has rusted out. I'll probably keep using it until it falls apart.

I am thinking to replace it this season as it's quite rusted. However it still works. So I'm not sure lol. Also been pondering a gas grill, bull probably stick with charcoal for now.

That's blasphemy! At least get a pellet grill. I'd be okay with that over gas.

A bright sunny day is always a good weather for some nice outdoor activities. It's always good to feel some grass, it's natural, it feels really relaxing and healing too. A little bit of gardening is also good. I did some of it years back and I must confess, it's a good way to keep kids busy

Thanks, it was a lovely way to spend the day and recharge batteries. The kids like to take on little projects and learn about things. I am usually playing quite a bit of football in the garden too, it is good for the kids and me to keep fit! 😅

It is indeed; burn some calories as well as watching your kids and keeping fit..

It must be so nice to have a garden. I long for it. By the way, my father used to pay me a cent for a certain amount of weeds picked. I know that there is quite a bit of inflation now but you may want to try it out on the kids. I guess child labour is now frowned upon haha.

Although it is just a small one, it is great to have a bit of a garden that you can enjoy and get some sun. Luckily we have a little privacy there too. I didn't think about that with the weeds! haha. I will have to see what the going rates are for weeds these days 😅

Yes, it's a good time for garden work. I'm working in my field almost every day now. We haven't planted tomatoes yet. No carrots either because we are not doing well at all.

It's great to be outside again. Has the weather been too cold for tomatoes and carrots?

In fact, there's too much rain here these days, so we'll wait for a few days :)

That looks great, man! Our weather is pretty nasty, but I'm eagerly waiting for some sun to spend more time outside (in the garden or elsewhere).

Thanks, it was a really lovely day. I am really enjoying garden life. Blogging about it also motivates me to complete more jobs!

 14 days ago  

How nice that you were able to enjoy the nice weather to work in the garden and spend some time outdoors with your son.
The plants and seeds you chose sound great!
I hope you have lots of luck with your mini greenhouse and that everything grows well.
The ice cream store sounds delicious, glad you had a great day!


Thanks. It was a lovely day with the family and getting some jobs done too.

I am certainly looking forward to seeing how the seeds will turn out and if we.can get anything growing from it.

Zuccini kind of looks like a cucumber?
I try to touch grass as many times I can during the weekends, but this was the perfect situation for that with actual grass and sunny weather!

Yes, it's like cucumber. Good work touching grass, I don't do it nearly enough.

I didn't even know you could procure such fine stones. Weeding is usually such a chore but can be still quite invigorating. Hope you can do more next time!

Thanks, it has been worth the effort to de-weed although it is a task I do not enjoy. I am glad you like the stones.

I really love how you care about your garden. Well, I don't think if you are ever going to win that weed battle, they will just grow and grow.

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Thanks, I really enjoy time in the garden. The battle with weeds is never ending. Thanks for picking my post.

You are always welcome 🤗

Those little books are guides on how to plant your lettuce, carrots and zucchini

They are the seed packets that I bought. There was no book or guide in there.


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Nice work done in the garden

Thanks, it was a lovely day.

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