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RE: How did I get back to Alcoy?

in Wednesday Walklast year (edited)

Everything you say is true and I'm far from feeling bitter about it, but it's true that often, everything is a bit of a choice and I think I've rather chosen to dedicate myself to other things lately... But you never know what the future will bring 😇 !

Take good care and have a good Friday and a pleasant weekend ahead 😘


And I have to agree with you, everything is a bit of a choice, there where we can make it ;)

Thank you and I hope for a good weekend for you too. It was raining today here (but we managed to take a nice walk in the morning) so yes, choosing to see the glass half full and not half empty hahaha :D

Haha, we too had a lot of sun when we left and we came back in heavy rain !

About the glass, I believe I now choose to skip it and to drink directly from the bottle 😂

😘 Happy evening to you

About the glass, I believe I now choose to skip it and to drink directly from the bottle 😂

Haha, this was very funny 😂

I made mine the middle way zen practice but I rebranded it the non-choice technic 😂