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RE: Reservoir Cycle on the new bikes, rosehips & roos , lunch: Mental Health Day for the Hubs

in Wednesday Walklast year

Great to pick rose hips, I have plenty here when the horses aren't nibbling on them! Thanks for this recipe, I never thought of soaking them in vinegar, much easier than making jam!


It has to be apple cider vinegar for the true power of this brew! Then it's both vit c rich AND probiotic. Raw honey is good too. Then I drink it like cordial!!! How do you make the jam, or do you mean syrup?

Cider vinegar, the base of my sauces here, the horses loved it when I put it in their trough so it's a great ingredient on its own. I've only made jam with it once because you had to squeeze the pulp out of the fruit, it was horribly time consuming and my jam had trouble setting so it stayed liquid, a disaster! I think you'll find better recipes on the net, I tried that 10 years ago, the know-how has evolved since then ;)