Pink, Purple and Blue Walk

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I got the chance to enjoy a nice walk since a lot of the packing is finished!

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Pink, Purple and Blue Walk

Springtime is certainly one that I thoroughly enjoy in the New England area. There's beauty everywhere, flowers all over the place and things vying for the attention of the amazing pollinators. I don't know if I've noticed the flowers in the past as much as I have this year and last year but I'm kind of a broken record when it comes to that, with our son being the reason that we are trying to enjoy all kinds of things as an adult that we took advantage of when we were younger.

On our recent walk we got to see all kinds of great flowers which was nice but we also got to see a kind I don't think I've ever seen before! They had this really cool blended color to them and I very much enjoyed sitting there and checking them out!

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These are ones that I see often and I really like them. I don't know what kind of flower they are but they are really nice looking. They kind of look like blueberries or something you can eat, which is one thing our son said when we came upon them. He knew it wasn't something he could eat but he certainly wanted to try lol

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I see this particular tree all over the place on our walks. I don't know what this one is either necessarily but we have an abundance of them! They have these really nice large pink flowers and it makes it pretty special to see them. The bumblebees were all over these ones! I could smell this tree from a distance away which was nice. I always enjoy being able to smell them.

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One of the other cool things is catching a glimpse of some nice wildflowers! We have quite a bit of these little purple flowers sprouting up all over the place. I have seen them a lot over my life and enjoy when I do see them because to me, it means the soil and area is fairly healthy so that's always good to see.

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I tried to get a decent picture with the sun fading in the background. I don't think it came out too bad but it wasn't necessarily the one I wanted. Regardless though, I love taking some pictures at the beloved golden hour of photography! Catching the warm sunset casting some nice light is pretty fun.

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Overall was a great walk, combine that with making some good progress on getting the house packed up and ready to go and we are in a good mood overall!

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The golden hour is great for photos! Nice flowers. Some I have never seen before like that second one

Agreed. The light help a lot to take good pictures. Amazing captured

Thanks I appreciate it!

Thanks man! The golden hour is certainly an awesome time to try for photography, although the hour happens twice, once in the morning which I never catch lol.

The flower was awesome! I don’t know what it is but I’m going to have to grab my plant identification app to figure it out. Some people buy these crazy exotic flowers and it ends up being really cool, I just want to know what they are so I could plant them too lol

That was my thinking, it is always good to have another to plant. I need to get a new plant identification app. Mine went insane and is covered in adverts now when you try to use it.

And I never catch the morning golden hour either, but the evening yes!

The plant app I was using that I liked was called Plant Snap. You got 5 “free” identifications per day before you had to pay. I found it to be sufficient for what my needs were but maybe not in the future, not sure yet!

I saw that one, I went for a similarly named Leaf Snap. It seems to do the job and I think it is similar in that you get a few free goes before something bad happens!

Springtime flowers are always so much fun to see.

I agree with you there! Springtime is certainly a time of all kinds of cool stuff in the flower department!

Such beautiful flowers and great that with your son you appreciate them so much more now
Catching the golden light on flowers is truly special

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Spring is definitely the best time for bright colourful flowers!

For sure! One of my favorite things to do in spring!

Very nice! I was thinking the exact same thing this morning!

Yeah for sure dude! Love the stuff sprouting, the colors look cool!

This is a lovely and smoothly written post thanks for sharing and also thanks for supporting.

Thanks for checking it out!

You are welcome anytime.

Beautiful and colorful

beautiful flowers