Wednesday Walk: Construction

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Hi fellow Walkers,

Today we got to check out a construction site on our walk after my work ended!


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Wednesday Walk: Construction

One of the fun things about working from home is getting to go downstairs and instantly be able to get into something with our son like going out for a walk.

We have a construction site that's kind of near us, within a walkable distance. That means we get to go out and enjoy something he loves: machines! Our son has got a whole lot of interest in big construction machines and all that type of stuff.


The construction site was one that's been pending for a while without any real movement. It looks like they finally got around to finishing stuff up! They had these giant piles of wood all over the place for a while but started to make progress on getting stuff taken out.


One of our sons favorite machines has to be an excavator. He loves the size of them! They move a lot for him, swinging and scooping and stuff so it really excites him when he can get next to one. I don't know if we were necessarily allowed to be there but I made sure we were safe and didn't do anything foolish!


The thing that I would love to do one day is operate these machines to some capacity. It would be cool to flatten out a whole field like this! Maybe one day we can own enough property to have the ability to do something like this lol


We got to see some fun stuff on our walk. There were some aspects of it that were a little dangerous but overall it was a great way to spend a beautiful evening. The trees and sun were all in a really peaceful looking state so I had a lot of enjoyment going for this walk.


What are you other folks doing while you're walking? I'd love to hear about it!

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That’s great you can take a break and go fir a walk with your son
And how cool this construction site is close enough so he can see the machines at work

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thanks Jay! It's great being able to work remotely so that I can spend immediate time with our son like this. A lot of fun for sure!

The construction site is pretty damn cool, we have gone there a bunch of times to just see their progress! Sadly now that it's dark by the time I get out of work, we don't get to do that much now but it was nice to see for a bit!

Any family time is good time working from home is great to allow more time for it

Amazing angle and you present so beautifully. ❤️
tunning capture ... thanks for sharing my dear lovely friend @cmplxty. God bless you.

Thanks for stopping by to check it out! I appreciate it. It's nice to be able to check these types of things out when we are out and about.

Sounds like some quality time there!
What are they constructing/building?

No idea lol it was an interesting place, we don't usually get easy access to seeing them build something like this so we took full advantage of it!

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