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RE: A walk of details

in Wednesday Walk9 months ago

It looks like the fog listened well and granted your wish! You have some cool cars there, that little half pint car is too cute! I like that red one too, I've always thought of finding one of those and restoring it - got to restore my current one first though lol. What a nice detail rich walk @nanixxx 😁


Hahaha... right now with this car you still have to repair you reminded me of a phrase from a person I follow on youtube, who says: don't set a date, your change starts today.
He talks about metaphysics and stuff, but this little piece of the phrase reminds us to act and not to be procastinating.

Thank you, @emma-h2.

Who is the YouTuber you speak of? It sounds so familiar to me, I'm wondering if I also follow them.

Yes absolutely, I have started my restoration actually, but it's slow going. One day, I'll share pictures of the before and after. Have a fabulous Friday & weekend! 🦋

Who is the YouTuber you speak of? It sounds so familiar to me

Lain García Calvo 😉

My best wishes to you.