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RE: A walk of details

in Wednesday Walk9 months ago

Hahaha... right now with this car you still have to repair you reminded me of a phrase from a person I follow on youtube, who says: don't set a date, your change starts today.
He talks about metaphysics and stuff, but this little piece of the phrase reminds us to act and not to be procastinating.

Thank you, @emma-h2.


Who is the YouTuber you speak of? It sounds so familiar to me, I'm wondering if I also follow them.

Yes absolutely, I have started my restoration actually, but it's slow going. One day, I'll share pictures of the before and after. Have a fabulous Friday & weekend! 🦋

Who is the YouTuber you speak of? It sounds so familiar to me

Lain García Calvo 😉

My best wishes to you.