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RE: Reservoir Cycle on the new bikes, rosehips & roos , lunch: Mental Health Day for the Hubs

Nice ride and a good yield with those rosehip.
You inspired me to create a similar hastag as #wednesdaywalk but then for cyclists!

Upvoted by the Cycling Community


Fantastic! To whom am I talking to? I know @mrprofessor used to run @cyclefeed many moons ago, not sure if it's still going.

Not me this time. It's great to have another cycling community again. Maybe I'll get @cyclefeed running again if more of us show up.

Great job @friendlymoose! We need more and more ppl cycling.

It'd be great if you could support @friendlymoose , Mr P - I reckon with some TLC it could be good!

Yeah, I have to fuel CF with some HP and reactivate the c9ntests we used to run. It would be indeed really cool.

I've just checked your @cyclingfeed account and that cycling photo contest was really cool!
Feel free to use the @cycling community if you consider restarting it.
The community has grown to 76 subscribers since I've been promoting it a bit, so I do think there will be interest.
Contests often attract new people too.

I'm also receiving some delegations, so I will be happy to support this initiative!

That's a lot of cyclists! I'll talk to the @travelfeed team if I can get back to using cyclefeed (cyclefeed used to cast votes together with tf). It would be awesome to recreate those contests.

Cool! If you need any help promoting the contest, just drop me a line.
I also create a weekly overview post with all photocontests.
You can also reach me on Discord friendlymoose#5717

This is @friendlymoose
I've started the cycling community many moons ago too, but didn't had the knowledge and network to make it a succes.

Now; two years later I'm giving it a second try since I adsume there are quite a lot of cyclists on Hive.
I just spotted another one 👍

Fantastic!!! Keep it up. You should run a challenge!

Thanks! Good idea. I want to grow the community first. The number of subscribers is growing slowly, but steady.
Maybe ill introduce the #weekendride hastag to promote the community some more!

I like that idea of a tag!!! Cool! I find sometimes a challnge helps promote the community too eg 'what's your first memory of cycling' = and one of rules is to tag someone else and reblog the post. That way people start to hear about it. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip!