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RE: Wednesday Walk The Walk that wasnt

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

Ohh yeah things sure have changed but all in a good way :)

Cheers and !BEER


Yes that's true, I can tell from your posts and photos that you and your life have become different from before, but in a very good way 😀

Cheers and !BEER

In a very good way :)

Cheers and !BEER


Cheers and !BEER

Oops I was wrong this was the guys doing the work tomorrow dropping off some things, the contractors I was expecting still arent here, so back on my PC catching up on comments

Cheers and !BEER

Hm, that was 2 hours ago, they should already be working by now 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Yes indeed he is working away :)

LUlu has made him coffee and a sandwich already LOL

Cheers and !BEER

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