in OnChainArt3 years ago

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much!

Very nice! You have created another members of the Romanieland

hahah! yes! Thank you!

A simple vista no parece amistoso, pero de seguro es más de lo que aparenta.

hahah! pues yo lo veía como el típico de apariencias agresivas que el fondo es un trozo de pan!

you should have enough of these by now to publish a book! I am just wondering what you could do with my signature, which is impossible to read. Maybe I should send you a cheque 🤣

you could send me a paper in an envelope with your signature or a scribble or whatever. Then I will turn it into something! I´d love that. I had friends from US and Venezuela send me their scribbles and then I worked on them. Here is more "about " why I do this...

 3 years ago (edited) 

I should consider that, it might be fun! Maybe send me your address via Facebook messenger - to this account

ok! sure! I´ll do that! Look forward to it!