in OnChainArt2 years ago

El carpintero firmo en vez de garabatear, es un hombre decidido ahaha.

muchos de estos garabatos son firmas, unas más tímidas y pequeñas y otras más grandes y decididas como este.

Oh! This carpenter is a very complicated person! He gave you a very tricky scribble! But you are out on Jupiter any way. So anything is possible!🙀😂

Thank you for the compliment! I can assure I have some scribbles waiting to got to them in the booklet that are way more difficult than this one... I kind of dread them, you will see!

You’ll have to ask them to do the same based on your scribbles! See how they would turn out!!

I find your creations frankly exciting, I think you carry within you a whole universe of fantasies, of hallucinating creatures, full of a very particular character each one. And then, when you draw, you let us see part of that world of inner miracles...

Thank you! I´m very happy you enjoy this. I have a lot of fun making them!

Wouuu, me encanta, de una firma sacaste un perro con escamas, que me recuerda a los dinosaurios y que lleva algo de mal humor en su cara.

Wouuu, I love it, from one signature you pulled out a dog with scales, reminding me of dinosaurs and wearing some grumpiness on his face.

si! es cierto, está un poco gruñón! hahahha!