Daddy is teaching little Kobold to read the chess notation. / Papa bringt der keinen Koboldin bei, die Schachnotation zu lesen.

in The Chess Community2 years ago (edited)


Hallo alle Freunde, die Schach-Bewunderer 😉, guten Abend...

Bevor ich anfange muss ich wohl ehrlich sagen, dass ich kein guter Schachspieler bin. Ich bin nur zufällig mit einem ziemlich guten Spieler verheiratet, der scheinbar seine Fähigkeit an seine kleine Tochter weiter vererben möchte 😌.

Er hat der kleine Koboldin seit vor einem Jahr das Spiel vorgestellt und es sieht so aus, als hätte sie relativ größe Interesse gezeigt. Allerdings habe ich eigentlich nie gedacht, dass sie schon soweit verstehen könnte.
Vor allem weil der Papa auch nicht zu viel Zeit darin investierte.
Wir beiden spielen ja Splinterlands noch fleißiger als Schach 😁.
Immerhin kann unser 4,5 jähriges Kind sowohl die Schachnotation lesen als auch die Werte jeder Schachfiguren merken bzw. aufaddieren.

Hierbei verlinke ich euch das Video, wo sie mit dem Papa zusammen ihre gespielte Schachzüge nachlesen:

Ich weiß es nicht, ob das Video für euch gute Schachspieler interessant ist, aber es hat doch noch ein bisschen zu tun mit dem Schachspiel, oder?
Außerdem spielt das Schach auch eine Rolle in ihrer Mathe-Übung.
Die Bewertung des Figuren hat ihr dabei geholfen, abstrakt zu denken bzw. Gleichungen mit Variablen zu verstehen.
Ich werde aber einen separaten Beitrag darüber noch schreiben.

Das Video wurde bereits vor paar Monaten aufgenommen, aber ich habe erst vor Kurzem die Gelegenheit, es zu bearbeiten.

Ich wünsche euch noch einen gemütlichen Schlaf für euch Europäer und einen guten Tag für die Andere woanders auf der Erde :).
Danke im Voraus für die Upvotes.



Hello friends, all the chess admirers 😉, good evening....

Before I get to the main article, I guess I have to honestly say that I am not a good chess player.
I just happen to be married to a pretty good player (@jaki01) who seems to want to pass on his skill to his little daughter 😌.

He has been introducing the game to the little pixie since a year ago and it looks like she has shown quite great interest.
However, I actually never thought that she could already understand this far.
Especially because the dad did not invest too much time in it at all.
We both play Splinterlands even more diligently than chess afterall 😁.
In the video below you can see that our 4.5 year old child can both read the chess notation and remember the values of each chess pieces.

Here I link you the video, where you can see the little Kobold reading together with daddy their previously played chess moves:

I don't know if the video is interesting for you the good chess players, but it still atleast has something to do with chess, doesn't it? So I don't really think that this article is misplaced :).
By the way chess also plays a role in her math exercise.
Evaluating the piece helped her think abstractly and to understand equations with variables.
But I'll write a separate post about that another time, though.

The video was recorded a few months ago, but I only recently got a chance to edit it.

I wish you the Eurepe-inhabitants a comfortable sleep and a good day for the others elsewhere on Earth :).
Thanks in advance for the upvotes.


Hello Jana, mba @kobold-djawa dan Mr. @jaki01 apa kabar? Wah Jana sekarang sudah besar dan tambah pintar 👍😍
Calon master catur terkenal ni 😁

Kabar baik disini, semoga kalian sekeluarga juga selalu sehat.
Soal jadi calon master sih ngga tau juga ya, yg jelas dia keliatannya ada minat, tp utk bisa mencapai tahap master juga butuh kerja keras hahaha


Oh, I agree. Chess is definitely good for her even as a complement for math. She has good chances of becoming strong, as she as a strong chess player dad :)

Thank you for stopping by to watch my video. Well, I am curious whether her interest would really last but at the moment I can see how she likes it so much. She is always waiting for the moment her daddy is not so busy and can play with her.

Our young ones interest in chess always give us great pleasure. Also its great when the whole family is involved.

I am sure little @kobold-djawa will be a chess champion soon😃.

Haha... I wonder if she would be persistent enough to get such an achievement.
But as long as she has fun with it, why not.

Good one @Jaki01. Good your teaching your daughter. Chess makes kids smarter.

Yeah, it also teaches them to be patient, observant, calm and collected.
I think that is even more important for them cos those 4 abilities are the hardest thing to master :).

Oh! It's great that she has shown quite great interest in the chess game and it's good that chess also plays a role in her math exercise.

It's amazing that at her age, she can read the chess notation and remember the values of each chess pieces. She is very intelligent. She would certainly be a great chess player, like her Daddy....

Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to your next post regarding her math exercise with much interest. 🤩

I hope so :-D.
Although... she doesn't have to be the best in everything, I only wish that she would do her best in everything she feel interested to do.

Yeah! Well said! I think she would surely do her best in everything she feels interested to do. She is really excellent! 😍

Man kann nie früh genug beginnen :)


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