Hivechess season 8 final result: @sawko wins his 4th title

Dear Chess fans,

the fifth and final round of mini season 8 was played yesterday - an intense 5+2 arena tournament with 22 players and an average rating of 1945.

It was a close fight between @sawko and @eniolw but at the end @eniolw landed on the first spot.
Place 3 and 4 went to @jaki01 and @samostically, respectively. Congratulations!
Chapeau also to @emic and @schamangerbert for their best result in this season!

The games of this round can be found here, in case you want to replay some of them. @samostically as usual thankfully streamed the tournament!

Season 8: 17 Sep to 15 Oct 2021 / Final Ranking:

RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedR1R2R3R4R5Total
Winner@sawkoCM sawkito244651010510944
4 (+2)@eniolweniolw2433481001028
6 (-2)@pamboy27pamboy2722254677020
8 (+1)@burnoutawesomeburnoutawesomehive213350482216
9 (+1)@stayoutoftherzstayoutoftherz200955115416
10 (-2)@kreurKreur2125368014
13 (-1)@rosmarlyrosmarly2059144
14 (+1)@schamangerbertHerbyW1757410034
15 (-2)@rafaelaquinoajedrezclub2t181730213
16 (-2)@pereu4ivatelpereu4uwatch2060420002
17 (-1)@rodrookrodrook14565000000
27 (+1)@maverieux000Keylix211530000
28 (+2)@petreiuspetreius19972000

Blacknight186 and Mr_Mendel were not considered in the final ranking due to no Hive username.
Please note that the ranking of places 17 to 28 is basically in order of appearance and not by performance.

@sawko could win this S8 and regain the champion title back from @jaki01 due to his sensationally consistent top form (and a good internet connection as well!). They both now hold 4 season wins!
@tungphong (blackswan21), the current champion in the CBL by @chessbrotherspro, was runner up and @jaki01 ended up as third.
Despite one of the strongest players on Hive, @eniolw could gain "only" the fourth rank. It shows again that if you are not able to participate each time, your chances to gain a top spot are near zero.

Generally, many new strong players joined Hivechess, also thanks to the activities from @chessbrotherspro who do an outstanding job in promoting chess on Hive!!


Season stats

The average tournament rating of this season 8 was 1942 (in S7 it was 1813 - a massive increase!). Remember the first tournaments in season 1 and 2? There we had often averages of below 1750! For fun, here you can see the very first one from 1,5 years ago!
In each round we had on average app. 21 players - also significantly higher compared to the previous seasons!
30 players participated in total (2 without a Hive name), 8 of which didn´t participate 3 times, so 18 players will get prices! From these, 11 showed up in all 5 rounds - that is a remarkable rate! As always, I will do the exact calculation of the prices after the payout of this post.

Thank you all for your participation & engagement (and the upvotes)!
And thanks to the other posters for advertising this tournement in your blog!


There will be a break in the next week, but already on Friday 29th Oct S9 will start. It will go - nomen est omen over 9 rounds! There will be probably some finetuning on the point distribution and the rewards, let´s see. More about the different reward systems and their pros and cons you can find in this post from @lighteye.

Our previous Champions:

Winner of Season 7 was @jaki01
Winner of Season 6 was @sawko
Winner of Season 5 was @sawko
Winner of Season 4 was @sawko
Winner of Season 3 was @jaki01
Winner of Season 2 was @jaki01
Winner of Season 1 was @jaki01


On another note:
How do you like my chess cat??


Maybe it would be something worth pursuing, that the winner of a season gets in addition to the Hive prices an object like this as a TROPHY sent to his (or her) home! Of course not this one, as this was a gift, is unique (at least to me) and priceless 😄.

But what you think about the idea? Or maybe a special unique NFT could be minted on nftshowroom for the winner?

оч правиљная идеяvery correct idea
победителям - слава и призы, а дењги бедным или тем, у кого интересный проект или прикољней вариант их потратитьthe winners - fame and prizes, and money for the poor or those who have an interesting project or a cool option to spend it

Yeah, the one I missed was bc of the power cut and the other one affected me too bc I didn't get paired often. I think I've never won a single season all this time LOL. But I'm not sad, a fourth place isn't bad. Keep up the good job. Congrats to the winners and to everyone.

Your time will definitely come!

 3 years ago (edited) 

Season 8 Over Already, This is great work sir @stayoutoftherz. And Yes! It's really obvious more people are playing chess on Hive this days.

How do you like my chess cat??

I really love it,It's worth keeping forever. And the idea of a special unique Nft is awesome. But all the same,this is growth and it makes me so happy.

How do you like my chess cat??

The cat is really nice, but show us those chess pieces behind it, @stayoutoftherz :)

The league is really competitive. I think adding an nft to the prizes is a great idea

 3 years ago  

I'm into that idea sure a, maybe NFT stuff xd and people surely would try to play better to get the new gift 🧧

that was fun!

 3 years ago  

These Arena-berserk tournaments are completely destroying my chess style, but yes, they are fun. :)

By the way, congrats to being a Hive-Orca again!


 3 years ago  

Lol, I really still hate HIVE but cannot leave completely as I like part of the community. :-)

Hate is kind of strong, isn't it? Come on, Hive is cool! :)

 3 years ago (edited) 

HIVE is not a person, so I cannot really 'hate' it. :)

Concerning the underlying technology it's actually rather amazing.

However, it is not dencentralized at all: there are like (roughly) 20 accounts who completely control the network and loyally support each other, vote each other as 'top' witnesses, decide, which proposals are approved, borrow each other their posting keys (for example to mask whom they support or flag), delegate HP to each other and anonymous accounts which they created themselves.
Furthermore most of them earned their wealth on STEEM by either being early miners in 2016 or bid bot owners who got paid (and very rich) for upvoting non quality posts, which is in my opinion one of the main reasons why STEEM failed to be successful.
Some of the biggest bidbot abusers, curation reward snipers and profit maximizers are pretending now to protect HIVE against spam and low quality content ...

The facts above make it nearly impossible for other users to break into this exclusive oligarchs club and have any influence.
Some of them even attacked Splinterlands, the only really successful dapp on HIVE, because it was created by a newcomer not belonging to the 'club' - it seems they had the fear to lose their power monopoly.

Of course users can earn money here (especially if they praise HIVE) as long as they don't get in conflict with the reigning class of HIVE.

Well, it's fine if you think HIVE was "cool". I have nothing against different opinions.

Oooo this confuses me a little bit hive is it good or bad ? I am new here and it seems to me a pretty friendly social network although as I understand it is much more than that I keep learning new things the truth is that there is a lot of knowledge to assimilate I believe that there is no perfect technology always the human factor is present.

Wow, you are a critical person. That's a good thing.

On the topic, if true, it doesn't sound new to me, it sounds like typical politics to me. Even having a senate as a political institution is no guarantee that citizens are "represented", as if they have a real voice. Opting for "participatory democracy", which is the alternative, usually leads to other kinds of vices. Nor does it work well in the long run (look at my country, for example). Besides, people will accuse you of populism and communism if you try it.

Personally, after reading Arrow's paper about how the democratic voting system is mathematically flawed to consequently express people's preferences when you have more than two choices/candidates, I too lost my expectations about the power of democracy (LOL), but as a society we need political institutions to operate, don't we? (unless you argue from anarchism). Democracy is also preferable to dictatorship.

This also reminds me of the question of free will from the point of view of physics and philosophy. Our universe is deterministic, so why do we bother arguing about free will? Aren't our decisions already intrinsically determined? Well, we also need to pretend that free will exists for practical purposes. If you rob someone, you can't blame the laws of physics. You have to pay for it somehow. Maybe in jail where you can graduate to a criminal degree (irony intended) or maybe by working for the victim's family, as dictated by some sort of "primitive" legislation of some aboriginal peoples I heard about, which in my opinion is superior to Napoleonic Roman law in that regard.

Maybe I should have written all this in a post.

same, but at least I have the opportunity to play with some really strong players.


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Wobderful idea ! It is a good Trophy !

awww so cute I want that NFT pet

You brought me to an idea. I anyway was thinking which motive to choose for the NFT. You think making a NFT out of this cat would be a good idea?

Honestly cats are not my favorite pets they just want to eat and sleep actually I prefer dogs because they are more playful but you can choose the pet NFT you want hahahahahaha

🤣🤣🤣🤣 It depends actually, some dogs sleep alot too. While the cat go about looking for a rat to disturb.

right right 🤣🤣