Zed's choice| p35-37 | Draft Comic Book drawed and painted by Artificial Intelligence software

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)
pg 1 pg 2 pg 3-4 pg 5-7 pg 8-10pg11-13pg14-18pg19-20pg20-23pg24-28pg29-31pg32-34




Previous episode : pg 1 pg 2 pg 3-4 pg 5-7 pg 8-10pg11-13pg14-18pg19-20pg20-23pg24-28pg29-31pg32-34

Processing Note:

Hi Community, for these new panels, i used some init images created with Looking Glass AI colab, and redesigned with Pixray colab. The images used to created the models are collected, cropped from public domain pulp fictions. I also made a small model based on some pictures of the previous panels of Zed' comic. One model is focused on part of faces with staring eyes, and another model was fed with the 4 pictures of city landscapes.

For more technical info, I would also recommend consulting the posts shared in the Latent Space Community - a child of - the Alien Art Hive Community.

I have a sleeping nftshowroom account, but i'm still doubting what i can really share there if i would be 100% compliant with full intellectual property concept as some software licences do not allow the commercial use of the images produced.

It remembers me the time where this global "Pump up the volume" record come on all radios and dancefloors of the world. This track was a collage of sound samples picked up from all over the world sounds culture. All of this i now regulated and sampling sounds is now admitted with a range of rules about how it is elligible to credits and royalties or not.

My previous posts are here.
Now also some periodical chirping news via https://twitter.com/Dbddv01

My Greetings to all the Alien Art Community for their encouragement.


Great work! I think you could ask in the NFT Showroom questions regarding your concerns about the legalities. I personally think your compilation of work isn't solely based on commercializing one image but rather is utilizing the AI as a tool for a broader composition. I believe that would fall under the fair-use clause within the law. But, maybe the Showroom has more info than i do. I don't think these kinds of works can be reverse engineered to discover the sources anyhow. Don't let me lead you in a wrong decision or direction but it's a Brave New World featuring these tools. Keep up the great work my friend.