
I thought someone might ask this.

To be quite frank about it, I miss some of the old people, either gone or posting far less, their banter and friendship, common interests and ability that we had to relate to each other about thing relevant to the 'worlds' we live in. These days there's so many I don't relate to, not because they're different per se, just that they live in a different 'world' than that in which I live in.

It's a different place to the one I joined back in June 2017 and a lesser place in many respects in my opinion. I guess that's why I alluded to the fact I have a few I interact with off the blockchain and that they're so important to me.

I'm not sure if you'll read between the lines here, I guess there's much I'm not saying. How about you, your thoughts on it?

I thought you may throw the question back at me. Definitely some have dropped off over time, and once in awhile you encounter a return or two. It does feel deep down that we are on solid ground, and the chain as a whole is strong from a technical developer standpoint (just my observation as a non techie type). We have the Inleo team doing their thing, Ecency building, peakd very solid, Liketu there in the background. Hbd savings at 20% is a very attractive draw looking in from the outside. Speaknetwork and theycallmedan /starkerz pushing hard, great but it is still in its beginning stages or so it seems. They are also pushing hbd adoption with retailers which is awesome. V4V app is the bomb, allowing lightning transactions. Also VSC smartcontract stuff looks promising. Vibes music contest seems solid. Holozing started off with a bang, and now seems to be simmering somewhere in the background. On-boarding has always been a struggle, although it is getting easier. A mish mash of good/great things, and one or two mediocre things. All in all, my gut tells me to stay put. We may never get to the top 100 in market cap cryptos, but probably we will carve out our own niche, in our own way.

I just wrote a comment to someone (in this post) who asked how I'm able to post daily - None of those things you mention come into play for me, I'm probably far less tech-related than you (in respect of Hive not the real world) and what I said mattered was how Hive makes me feel, the personal enjoyment I get and other things.

I don't need Hive money, I have a job, own a business and have made a lot of very good decisions over my life, (bad ones too), so it's not the magic internet money that makes me stay. All those things you mention, I know of them and applaud them, we need things to progress, I'm just not keyed on them as I guess I just don't have the time.

I'd miss being on Hive if I stopped, and certainly miss many of those who have disappeared or now only post about one thing (gaming, mushrooms, AI images) which means I stop following them. It used to feel more well-rounded, more personality and passion, seems...well, less so. Still, I'd miss posting here and the interaction with some of those I engage with should it all come to a stop.

I get that. This AMA really brings out the comments and interaction like nothing else! You were saying to hiddenblade that you email yourself ideas when they come along, I usually text myself ideas or just write it on a “to do” list with pen and paper.

It sure does.

On the email thing...Ir's easier for me to email, a digital record I can cut and paste if needs be, but writing it in a notepad works as well I guess - it's easier for me not to have to write though and a lot of those emails are voice dictated while I drive. Saves time.