No one is a single thing

in Galenkp's Stuff2 months ago

ifyoucarewhatmyfilenameisyoushouldgoandgetafuckenlifeyoupieceofshit (2).jpg

Over the years of my life I have met and interacted with countless people and one thing is common to them all; none of them were, or are, one single thing; this is something I was contemplating over the last week or so as I spent some time dealing with the nicest, most genuine people and having to deal with the most reprehensible, disgusting and horrid creatures as well.

I recall a conversation from a long time ago with a group of people who have work to towards dealing with bad people, finding and dealing with them in various (mostly-violent-but-government-sanctioned) ways and remember that the question of, can a bad person also be good and can a good person also be bad, arose and, of course those people and myself included, agreed that they can.

Of course, that begs the question, what is good and bad, but on the surface of it I guess it underpins my thoughts that no person is ever a single thing.

The original thought of no person being one single thing relates to all of us in all aspects of life, in my opinion. Think about who a person is with their children, their partner and family, as opposed to the person they may be with their work peers and their managers, within the scope of their job, with their sporting club team-mates, strangers they meet and interact with, in their home town and city as opposed to a foreign country where they don't speak the language. Imagine a person in a peace-time situation as opposed to them in a warzone or when they are physically and mentally healthy as opposed to being unwell; it's the same person throughout, but one who will probably apply different versions of themselves, different thoughts, attitudes and actions depending on the situation.


Above is different versions of me - the same basic knucklehead just in different situations and moments

I think this is a very interesting topic and, when the statement is applied to me...well, I'm no different; I am not just one thing, I am many, and which one is relevant depends upon the situation.

I believe we all apply an element of this in our lives and some do it better than others; it probably leads to a better life too even if the application of some aspect of our personality has a negative effect - failure is a great opportunity to assess, evaluate, plan, strategize and regroup for another try - as that negative effect may led us to a greater result next time, or at least a better version of ourselves or a better understanding.

I wonder how many things or versions I am and what they may be - I suppose something I'll only know after my life has played out in full. I know who I am generally of course and I live my life around it however your perception, the person who only sees me through a Hive post, may differ from my own perception or that of someone who knows me well. So, you can't really answer the question of who I am without making it up for yourself...but you can know who you are, and how many different versions of you there are.

If you're inclined to, feel free to comment below. You may like to open up about your perception of yourself, the various facets that make up who you are, or you may like to denigrate me for whatever your perception of me is; either way, feel free to comment.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


A thought came to mind. Wouldn't it take more effort to remain one thing at all times than what's required to be multifaceted?

An example: A serious individual intentionally remaining serious at a comedy show.

That's not being authentic at all either, so at that point how can they be serious?

With the serious individual example and several others, they've become more than one thing naturally by trying to force themselves to be one thing. I know I can word this better.

It's unnatural. Everyone truly being the one thing that is themselves adjusts on the fly.

I think it's impossible for a person to be only one thing, so single minded, and your example is a good one. It's unlikely the human species would have endured had we been that way from the outset. A person being one dimensional is merely a convenient word; sure, they may have a penchant for seriousness as you say, but they'd not make it through life being that way all the time I think.

People are multi-faceted, it's a simple fact, although many defer one aspect of their personality a lot, like the negative side for instance, the aggressive or dark side.

An interesting topic I think.

Ditching the negative is more about finding balance. One isn't positive by default simply because they avoid being an asshole. They're just somewhere in the middle. I think most reside there, naturally, until something knocks them out of balance. A big smile is a sign you're off balance just as much as a frown. Everyone naturally settles back to the balance, if they're healthy of course.

Today for instance someone said I'm polite. I can think of times I've been rude. I wasn't trying to be polite either. Can't recall a time when I was trying to be rude. These things just come out naturally in the moment. Of course I'd prefer to be polite. And there are times people find being rude to be acceptable. Someone pushes you, you don't say, "Sorry." You say, "What the fuck man watch where you're going." Then they say sorry and we're back to balance again.

Yep, humans are weird and complicated, but also somewhat predictable I guess.

Love the cartoon heads. The expressions fit for every one!

I reckon that's why I love a lot of post tolkien fantasy novels, where authors really started to stretch the definitions of people being good/bad/black/white because it is more lifelike. We are all shades between and change as the situation and times warrant

Cartoon heads? Fucken hell man, that's my real face! 🤔🤣

Shades, that's a good way to put it...I made a comment to nanixxx in this post about Adolf Hitler, a bad dude, but one in which Eva Braun saw something good.

I think this is a really interesting topic to be honest, and one that could raise dissent or many varied opinions. Nothing like a lively chat like this right? (Even if one has a cartoon head!)

Hehe, you're real head 🤣🤣

That reminds me of a girl I worked with who was putting a bit of weight on and one of the execs came around once who had been down south for a couple of months and saw her and was like oh wow, when are you due and reached out to pat her tummy. That was fun!

It is a good subject. There are complexities in everyone. People who profess to be nothing but good are often the ones with the most to hide!

Haha, the old when are you due, comment. That's gold. Every man should make that mistake at least once in their life!

Aye, defo. I have made it a point to ignore what looks like pregnant women ever since do I don't fall into that trap 🤣

Good move...I saw someone do it once and since then have learned to keep my mouth shut when someone looks pregnant; best to be safe than sorry huh?

Yeah, besides if you spend too much time on them people might assume you're the dad 😀😀

Interesting... mmmm.... it is true that we are not equal with everyone and in different situations in life. But we can be essentially equal, through love, loving everyone and forgiving and forgetting grievances.

I recently read something that made me think. It said that people often say: "I forgive but I don't forget" and this is not forgiving. Just look at the words. In English it is more obvious than in Spanish ("Perdono pero no olvido").

It said that everyone has something good in them and if only we could concentrate on that when thoughts of resentment or revenge come to us, and if we could also remember something funny about that person and if we could laugh about it then the forgiving and forgetting treatment is done. And that we repeat it as many times as necessary. These vibrations will make us better and will also reach that other person and as it is a good he/she will not be able to reject it. Remember that everything is energy.

Well G... I understand that this is not easy to assimilate and it is my very particular way of thinking. Don't think it's easy for me always. But I believe on it and I see it is the right thing to do, because I have also felt that it pays off.

In the end, we also have the freedom to create our own circle of people, with whom we will be more present. However, everyone else we meet along the way always has something to teach us.

My life is not complete, I have a long way to go, or so I think, but I have chosen not to think badly of people whoever they are. We can all be essentially good and loving. And that's one thing, isn't it?

It said that everyone has something good in them

Some may disagree with this. Take Adolf Hitler for instance...Not someone people would call good although I'm sure Eva Braun saw something good in him. It's subjective.

I guess my post was more about the individual and how we perceive ourselves rather than how we may perceive others. Humans are very judgmental creatures when it comes to others however not so good and honesty when it comes to themselves - some even fear self-reflection. I wonder, your different versions...are you comfortable with them, do they define you in positive ways (to yourself) and are you content or do you seek personal improvement in certain areas?

I'm talking about myself. And no, I'm not comfortable with all my versions and that's why I've decided to improve. But at the same time I don't punish myself, because I know that the road is quite difficult. What I am sure of is that I will make it, for my sake and for everyone's sake. I am already talking about humanity. Isn't it said that change must begin with oneself?
Oh, by the way, Boom discovered that this character lived in Ibiza disguised as a woman so as not to be recognised hahaha... I read it in his post from when he was there. He has some very revealing phrases ... hahahahahaha... you know our friend is unique.

Yeah, change is all about oneself, humanity is generally fucked so it's best to focus on self-improvement and let the others take care of themselves.

Boomy? Yeah he's a character, there is no doubt.

No, Hitler! Boomy wrote about that. 😁

It would be a really difficult life for many out there if people were only a single thing. For example an arrogant person remaining arrogant to his master. His master should not have liked this thing then...

So I think it is good that people aren't a single thing. They change their attitude towards different situations helping themselves deal with the situation.

Yep, I would suck if everyone was bad and there was nothing to balance that out.

It is a fascinating subject, since, as you say, none of us is just one thing. Circumstances and the environment in which we move, as well as our state of mind and limiting situations make us... different people.

On the other hand I think we all have a dark side, one that can come out at any time, it can be something severe or not so severe.

I discovered that side many years ago, when I was 25 years old, a borderline situation made me realise that I could be bad. Maybe because of what I experienced as a child. Those things that mark you in life.

That point made me grow up and know the darker side. Of course we all just multifaceted .... to this point we arrived as a human race... very interesting subject and that has a lot to talk about.

Hugs Galen🤗

It's interesting that you say this, most probably wouldn't; it's the truth that there is good and bad in everyone and I guess it's just important to lean the right way.

Yes, I learned my negative side, worked on it, analysed it and followed the right path.

So...the dark could very well be Darth Vader. Just's possible.

I could!!! In female version jajajaja and more beautiful 🤣

This is what I am trying to explain to my husband. People know him as a good person, all positive feedback from the people who have known him but he is way different person as a husband. So people can say what they only see or what my husband shows them.

I believe it is always wise to be a good person generally, to work towards being one's best version, however that doesn't mean the individual's view of good will align to anothers'. I suppose we all need to be at peace with our own behaviours.

That's true. Even if my husband and I didn't get along well, I still chose to be good to him.

Yes, we come across multiple people who show us different versions of themselves. It really blurs the line between what's good and what's bad. I am protective around my loved ones and I become ruthless when someone slides into my vicinity and doesn't respect the boundaries that I have set for myself. This might be bad for someone else, but it works fine for me.

We human beings are constantly evolving and so is our thought process and the perceptions regarding others and ourselves as well.

Great thought, have a blissful day ahead 💕

We are evolving for sure and I think possibly we're devolving also but that's a whole other discussion.

I agree with you about the different perspectives of good and bad. I like to think I'm a good person and I operate around a set of parameters like honour, integrity, courage, endurance and so forth...but a part of that can lead to me having the ability to act in ways others may see as bad.

For instance, if someone broke into my home and threatened or harmed my partner I would endeavour to cut their fucken head off with a machete (I have next to my bed) and would be pleased if I achieved it. If I didn't achieve it, well it wouldn't matter because I'd be dead already, you know? Maybe someone sees that as bad...I see it as protecting someone I love and doing the right thing. This is why the distinction between good and bad is a blurred line.

I guess you're pointing towards the moral dilemma in modern times when you said we human beings are devolving.

These parameters should be an essential part of a person's personality I presume. I tend to operate somewhere around these lines as well. However, I'm still learning and I have made serious mistakes as well. I think the voice in our heads and societal distinctions somehow manage to tell us the difference between good and bad.

I really hope that you don't have to use your machete ever. 😅

Different versions of ourselves in different situations reminds me of a movie I watched several years ago, 'trading places' by Eddie Murphy.
I believe that in some dire situations, a generally good person could 'adapt' just to tide over the waves. The question of whether one is good or bad is relative, depending on the situation.
My grandpa told me a story of how he was forced to eat dead human flesh in a war situation and I puked for months just thinking about it. This is deep I tell you.

The question of whether one is good or bad is relative, depending on the situation

Yes, I believe I said this in the post so I agree.

It's interesting what you say about the experiences of your grandfather, it raises a whole other set of questions around just what would a person do to sustain their life. There are many such stories of people resorting to cannibalism in a bit to stay alive. I think it's a very interesting topic and one that many would have differing opinions on.

I am a Christian so I always pray that God should not let me be tempted beyond my capacity, in other words, I hope not to find myself in a situation where I would be forced to do something against my conscience and better judgement.

I hope you never find yourself in such a situation also...Kentucky Fried Human isn't something that whets the appetite.

Still, I wonder would you resort to it if the alternative was starving to death? (I don't expect an answer, it's a rhetorical question.)

Hi Galen, another interesting topic. I also believe, or rather, I am sure that all people are fragmented. Automatically, not consciously, we behave differently depending on the situation we are in. Eric Berne called this the ego states. We are not the same in front of our partners as we are in front of a stranger or a client. This is not a bad thing. I also believe that there is another form of fragmentation, related to traumas or borderline situations. This type of ego splitting is more worrying, it can sabotage a whole life. In my case, both types of splitting are involved, and ... now (with a lot of effort) I am happy.

I find it quite fascinating to look into, question and understand human behaviour; I've made something of a hobby of it I suppose. I don't know all the technical names and explanations behind it but I know some through study and observation I guess, and the more I discover the more interesting it becomes.

Technical names do not matter, today many people use technical terms taken from psychology without any critical spirit, without much understanding of what they are saying. I started by trying to understand myself 🤔, then I became interested in the behavior of others❓and then I turned it into my profesión 😊.

For every age there is a stage rings true here, we all carry devil and angel within.

How we handle our characters once recognition takes place, fortunately most prefer stable good projection, others are simply pure evil letting go of reason, then the schizophrenic simply taking all onboard.

Many faces one person!


It's interesting how different a person can be in different situations and stages of life, and remarkable how people can change their attitudes and behaviours accordingly. Also, of course, interesting how some defer and give in to their base urges, a rapist or murderer for instance. Humans are complicated huh?

All walks of life, great variety, including ourselves, always aware of darkness descending shake that off quickly!

Complicated to say the least, also our own worst enemy sometimes....

We all wear masks. We wear one when we are with our family, a different one when we are with friends, and a different one when we are with people we don't like. Some might have more, while other less. I think I have a different one for each of my friend groups in Elementary, High School, College, and Work. Just as there are different types of mask and how they show our face, same goes with how we deal with people. With family, it can just be transparent, for friends it can be like the opera with just the eyes covered, or it can be full face mask for enemies. That is why I try not to let different acquaintances meet. It gets difficult for me to know how to deal with both at the same time.

I guess I'm less interested in the masks we wear and more about the way we alter our behaviours to match a situation with this post; I think masks are less relevant and that altered behaviours are more the point. I don't wear a mask when I'm at work necessarily, I simply act appropriately for that situation for instance, and I don't wear a mask with my partner, I just act accordingly for the situations I'm presented with in any given point. So, I'm not hiding behind a mask, just adjusting behaviours and thoughts accordingly.

Some wear masks all the time though I guess, and even attempt to mask their true self from themselves.

I guess that's true. We can have different interpretations. For me, when I alter my behaviour, or change my personality [upbeat with friends or serious with coworkers], I already consider that as sort of changing my mask.

We actually just had a similar conversation the other night with a group of people I was with. We were at a work function in another city and a lot of people there were surprised to find that I am not the same person I am at work. I think they were a bit nervous about spending time with me, but I hope those fears were alleviated after they actually did.

Yeah, I understand completely and I think it's ok too, there are many different facets of a person and some are more of less appropriate in particular situations.

Exactly, though I probably tend to over compensate sometimes.

Haha the photos are actually cute! What app do you use to create those faces?

That's my real face, not an app!

Ok, not really. 😊

I made that on my work iPhone and saved the faces to Canva to overlay when I need to. I hate iPhones, but here's one good use of it.

Ah I see! Thanks for sharing!

Yes, you are right not everyone has one side they have different sides. People change direction according to environment. We change our emotions and we all have emotions that we cannot control ourselves. It is involuntary which cannot be controlled.
And sometimes we don't know anything about our own life but people see our veil.

How many different versions of yourself do you feel you have and how dramatic is the swing from one extreme to the other?

I will not open up and comment about my self loathing and wishing I were a better version of myself.

What I will do right now is put this phone down. Get back outside and enjoy the fleeting time I have left to do and be better.

Current version of me is welder, i just repaired my neighbors set of discs/harrow.

Welder,trucker, cat there any limit to your greatness?

Like you (in these pictures of yours), each of us has our own masks, which we have to wear, no matter what kind of person we are in the soul...
I consider myself a good person. Honest, fair, self-sacrificing, fair, warm, emotional...
But I certainly don't present myself like that and I don't always act like that. Should I, as a good and honest person, allow myself to be naive and deceived, should I, as an emotional person, allow myself to be hurt and sad... Not.
If I have to act angry, I will be angry. If I have to be violent (if it's the only way to protect myself and my family), I will be violent.
I will be serious if the situation calls for it, and I will laugh when I feel like laughing... I saw that you mentioned Hitler, so the film from last month's film festival in Belgrade, "The zone of interest" came to mind. Nazi commander Rudolf Hess lives in a house next to the fence of the infamous Nazi camp. When he comes home "from work" he is a husband and father, and on the other side of the fence is true evil, a monster and a villain. With the mask of a family man, he hides the face of evil...

Yep, well said.

Nothing is more interesting like have a live conversation not minding the individual as far as it keeps getting better

Yes, I most probably agree.

Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

It's not going to be easy to remain a single thing. It's not even going to be sane. Life itself is multifaceted. This exposition is a nice one.

Multifaceted indeed.

Thank you for sharing, this is amazing ❤️

You're welcome.