That sinking feeling

in Galenkp's Stufflast month (edited)

I'm very fortunate to live near the beach and I go there often for walks, to sit and watch the world go by and to watch the sun sink away below the horizon taking the day with it and usually my stresses as well. That golden moment, the sound of the ocean and seabirds, the salt-laden all combines into becoming a beautiful part of the day and a much-valued one.


I took these photos on one of those occasions and figured I'd share them.

What I like about sunsets is that it's likely no two will ever be quite the same and even the same sunset can be so very different from minute to minute. The colour changes, the shadow and light, the clouds shift and even the reflections off the water are different as the sun slips away. It's really cool.

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When we look at such vistas I guess, on the surface, we all see the same thing: Water, clouds, colour, shadows and light. But I think each of us sees slightly differently and also feels differently and I reckon that's a really awesome thing about nature; it's many different things to all of us and we all get to enjoy it in our own unique way.

I'm not much of a photographer but I enjoy having a try and sometimes I get a shot I like. How about you? Have you got any good sunset shots you'd like to share in the comments? If you would like to, please feel free to share them and make sure you tell me where they were taken as never know, I might want to go there and see for myself.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own.


What does the sunset have that makes us all fall in love?

I think it's a moment of liberation, the day is over and then night comes and it's like a moment when the body is freed from the day and just feels, observes and sees how the king star leaves, now giving way to darkness.

What can I say, here we have the famous Malecón de la Habana, the sofa of all Cubans, the sunsets are beautiful and if you buy it with good company they are even better.

I don't have any photos because unlike you, my photography skills are not the best 😅. I loved your photos, those colors catch you

You say it well, freed from the day, indeed. It's a nice moment and the best... it's free.

Beautiful photos, I love the one of the pier, a sunset fills you with peace and steals a smile from your soul

It's a nice spot, I think you'd like it a lot.

I live very far from the beaches, but when I go I enjoy it a lot I am like a child I forget about all debts, worries I can be myself

It's a nice place to be and I hope you manage to go more often. 😊

Best time of the day to relax and unwind. Gorgeous photography!

Oh yeah, it's an awesome part of the day; I always get the feeling that the sinking sun is pulling the stress of the day from me and setting me up for the next.

Time to switch off, pontificate, smile at the world shutting down, watch bats come over on night shift.

You get it.

Good morning sunshine 🌞 life is what we make it.

A good morning to you too Joan, I hope you have a nice day! 😊

Sandymount Beach in Dublin...Having always lived by the sea, I moved inland 4 years ago and boy do I miss it!
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Nice colour and reflections...and in Dublin? Not what I'd expect but pretty legit. I think I'd miss the ocean if I moved away from it, I get such value from time spent there.

Not what you'd expect? I'm intrigued!

I figured Dublin to be dour and grey, cold and dreary I guess, just the way I picture it in my mind I've not been there.

I suppose it can be, but we have some decent beaches and mountains, and we do enjoy a day or two of sunshine each year. At one time I'd've proudly said do come and see it, but the place has become such a kip, that even I had to leave.

A day or two of sunshine a year. Lol.


I snapped this one a couple weeks ago on the shores of Black Lake in Onaway, MI. My wife and I were camping along the shore and we had some pretty awesome sunsets. There are some really great inland lakes in Michigan that give you some fantastic sunset views. Plus, you can always go over to Lake Michigan and get the "full effect"!

Brilliant colours in the clouds and water and framed by the dark tree and ground. Bloody good!

Thank you!


I took this photo sometime in 2018 I think(at least then it was posted on facebook.) I think this was a sunset but I am not sure. From what I remember I took this photo while sitting in a driving car.

Angry clouds! Pretty cool shot man, sunsets and clouds go together like ice and whisky.

Thank you for sharing these photos; I think it's lucky to be able to enjoy such spectacular scenery close to home. I think the pictures are very good.
I leave you a picture of what a sunrise in a big city looks like (please, no laughter). The orange color you can see is due to the pollution illuminated by the morning sun.


Pollution can make for some amazing sunrise or sunset photos and I've seen some very good examples of both in the city. I don't like them as much as ones in natural places for obvious reasons but beauty is beauty and must be appreciated I think.

Thanks for sharing your image!

You are right, beauty is beauty and you have to enjoy it, in fact I like to walk at sunrise; not now because it dawns too early.

Good morning to you

I run in the morning, not as peaceful as walking but, still nice. It's early though, before the sun comes up mostly. I imagine getting chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex and it gets me motivated. 🤔🤪

🤣; See you tomorrow!!

i-10 east bound between Jacksonville, FL. and Lake Ciry, FL. En route to an early morning delivery. 2017 ish..?

That sunrise seems like a good place to point the truck...U til the fucken sun comes up and you're blinded! Lol.

Another 60 miles or so and I would have driven into the Atlantic Ocean. 😳

The sunrise/sunsets over the big bodies of water are the best. Altho I have seem some over the rocky mountains out west that took my breath away... Ok it was the altitude. 🙄

I like sunsets (and cats) more than most people, but you know that. 😁

I think living nearby a sea or close to it is a privilege. We can reach the shorelines of an inland sea called Marmara and Black Sea in Istanbul. I wouldn't like living in a city full of land and it would be boring.

Any water is nice, lakes, rivers and all. There's something special about the ocean though right?

I would love to swim in the ocean

I love the sunsets, when these busy days are over I'll be back for a sunset walk.

In the meantime I leave you this picture of the promenade that I love. I am fascinated by the boats and the sun rays coming down and touching those boats. On a day when it was foggy. Magical!

Your pictures are great... I missed them!


Nice colours there, it seems like a tranquil place, I can see why you like it.

I love it there, one of my favourite walks and the sunsets are always different. Thank you!

I never knew that sunsets are not the same. So, even viewing the sun go down from the same location, they will always be different?

I took this one in The Airport premises of Ilorin International Airport, Kwara State, Nigeria

Nice colours there indeed!

I also live near the beach and totally get that peaceful vibe you're talking about. It's my favorite place to unwind after a long day.😍

It's a good place to be, watching the show nature puts on and allowing stress to seep away.

You are lucky that the sea coast is close to you. I'm continental, so I can see such sunsets on vacation, a few days a year.
I have beautiful sunsets from my office window, in the Vojvodina plain, during November, when the sunsets around 4:00 p.m., just when I'm going home from work...
That's when I see sunsets like this from my office window. I'm pretty sure you won't want to see this sunset, especially from my office window 🙂


Sunsets happen all over the place and are all equally good...Unless they're not good and then they're, well...not good.

You get sunsets like that from your office? Nice one!

Very beautiful sunset photos and I loved the one crossing the bridge most.
There's something ethereal about sunsets that I find amazing and then the colours which come alive across the clouds, are awesome.

I find sunrise and sunset to be a very tranquil and peacetime of the day and, of course, it's a beautiful time also, the colours and all. There's a lot to like.

Sunset reminds me of the awesomeness of Nature and then there's this consciousness that every form of exertion comes to an end with sunset as we all look forward to home sweet home.
Very beautiful Sunsets you have over there.

You've said it well indeed.

Nice photos there! :)

Thank you, it's a good spot and nature provided the perfect thing to photograph.

Maybe because we are not living in areas like the beach or other places where we can see the sun and cloud clearly, I don't even think of taking a picture of the sunset. Your pictures are very lovely. They reveal the beauty of nature

Well, I assume you have sunsets and if they're good ones it might be worth taking a moment to. Stop and enjoy them now and then.

OMG Sunset at the beach 🤩 It's my dream to experience it more often. I live far away from the beach so I can only experience this once every few years. Anyway nice photos...

Cheers, I sometimes get lucky and capture a good photo. Thanks for commenting.

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Beautiful phots. I especially like the last one with the trees. The third photo looks very cool as well. It looks as if the clouds are mimicking the little ripples in the water.


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