The excellent card

in Galenkp's Stuff4 months ago


Once upon a time there was a card...and it was excellent; that excellence didn't stem from the physical manifestation of the card itself, oh no, it came from what the card can do which is nothing short of...well I guess, nothing short of being excellent.

- galenkp -

I don't have a personal credit card; I use a debit card which does everything a credit card does but draws from my own money rather than credit. I have a company credit card of course but that's different, someone else's money, and even then I'm cautious with what I use it for.

This card though, the excellent card you see in the image above...well, I love this fucken card and use it all the time with a great deal of pleasure.

The organisation I work for provide me a company car and if I fly interstate they provide a car wherever I go. Along with that comes this excellent card for vehicle expenses including fuel to use at a particular chain of service stations around the country to purchase fuel and other car-related things. There's almost two thousand outlets and I zip the card and off I go, fuel or other car stuff paid for. That's an excellent card right?

There's no limit to the fuel I can purchase and I can even use 98 octane (the really costly stuff) and the cool thing is I'm not limited to work use only. I'm able to use my company vehicle for private use any time I like including annual leave and can travel anywhere in the country with it...and that most excellent card comes with me of course. Legit right?

I like the organisation I work for; they're generous and ensure I am well-remunerated, comfortable and have the right tools to do my job and, for me, part of that is the need to be mobile which means flights, accommodation, vehicles and other expenses; they put trust in me that I'll do the right thing, and I do. I know I'm on a good thing and will protect that by doing the right thing.

Having company vehicles allows me to pick and choose my own private vehicles to suit my needs rather than having to have something that's multi-purpose for work and personal and it saves me a lot of money in fuel and vehicle maintenance costs considering I'm able to use my company vehicles all the's a privilege I've worked hard over my life to earn, I mean being the right person to get a job such as I have, and it's something I am disinclined to jeopardise, there's just too much to loose. With the cost of fuel pushing well over $2.00/L here regularly the company vehicle and accompanying fuel card gets a lot of personal use and it saves me thousands of dollars a year.

What perks have you received (earned) from your workplace, if any, or how have you turned your work situation into an advantage that crosses over to your personal life as a benefit? Have you ever taken a little more than the company wanted to give, done the wrong thing, and had it cost your job or do you do what I do and respect the privileges given? Feel free to tell me about it in the comments.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


I agree that that is an excellent card. Saving thousands is a nice thing on top of the perks you have. Are these perks available to lower officers as well?

I used to work in a company where the employees' medical expenses are fully covered. There is no limit to hospitalization, and maintenance medications are also provided. Some employees that have a lot of meds, would go to the clinic and get their medicines for the month.

It's certainly an excellent perk of the role and it extends to others at my level but no, not everyone.

I like that medical cover you mention, I think that's one of the perks American companies offer sometimes. Here's it's not done so people get their own private health cover.

but no, not everyone

That makes sense. The company might lose a lot of money if it was for everyone haha.

I think I only saw that medical coverage from that company. I haven't heard of anything similar in other companies in the Philippines. They also removed it for newer hires a few years back. But those that were hired before the removal continue to enjoy it since it was in their hiring contract.

That card is good... more than excellent!!! There is no doubt left!!

In the jobs I have had I have never abused the privileges I could have had, although I did not have many, simple details, but for example when I worked in the fruit shop the boss left me alone, in charge of everything, even the keys to the premises. gave. Many clients asked me if I was the owner. But I never did anything wrong and that earned me the great trust my boss had in me. For me it is fundamental.

One's integrity is important and compromising it at one's workplace isn't a very good idea; seems you did the right thing.

Honesty, loyalty and doing the right thing is very important, that's how I was raised and that's how I like to be.

Good night Galen!

Wow. That's very nice to hear. That's a rare thing to happen between a company and its employee.
Well here, I work in government institution, we work hard and earn the pride of being hero, teaching children. And a salary that suffice the needs of a family, or sometimes not enough.

You must get a lot of satisfaction from teaching the next generation of people, I imagine it to be a rewarding job.

I currently lack the qualifications for employment in a company, but when I do secure a position, I hope the company is as generous as yours is. Trusting you with their excellent card suggests they see you as responsible, not extravagant.

Trust is earned I guess, and has to flow both ways. They know what I do for them, the responsibility have to do the right thing by them, and so I guess they feel like I'm trustworthy.

All the best in securing that role, I'm sure it'll happen at the right time.

Probably the only extra thing I get right now is my cell phone. My work pays for my bill and they also allowed me to add on the unlimited hotspot services. Along with that, they pay for me to get a new phone whenever I want too.

Tools of the trade are pretty important and you'd not be much use to them without your your mobile phone right? It's the same with my company vehicles, phone, laptop and other things they provide although it's amazing how many companies do a bad job at this aspect. I'll be honest and say I wish mobile phones were never invented (because work never ceases with them around) but the tools of the trade certainly make doing my job more efficient as with you I presume.

Yes, I understand what you are saying. I think we are going to be changing the policy soon so that they give us a stipend but don't pay for all of it outright. Which is fine since we have a lot more admins now and not a single policy for all of them.

Your company is amazing. Paying you and sponsoring you on transportation, food etc of course as long it's work related. I assume they do this just for the top level people in the organization right. I feel like they would treat even the not so high level people well as well in terms of pay.

I think the perk for my workplace is I can work from home and I make sure I get what needs to be done so I can do other stuff when I'm done.

They pay for everything, all costs incurred for work purposes and anyone who travels or requires mobility or tools of the trade (laptop, phone etc.) has the same. I have a greater level of things than some simply due to my position but those above me probably have more than me I guess - It's not talked about. They're a good organisation and I'm fortunate to have been the right person to be there. (It's not fortune though, it's many years of hard work that culminates in the success I have now.)

Working from home is a great perk for those who do it responsibly. I do that too and find good productivity although I know some try to shirk their responsibilities (not in my organisation) and it often shows with output. You clearly do it responsibly.

They pay for everything

I don't see how it can get better than that unless they just gonna give out free money. Yeah you worked hard to get to that position no doubt about that and now you getting the fruits of your labor. You have value for the company and they gotta make sure to keep you.

You clearly do it responsibly.

I try my best but not gonna lie i do sometimes get sidetracked but in the end all the work does get done and there has been no complaints so I guess I'm doing alright.

I saw someone took the challenge to do the porn topic. he was quite in depth with his thoughts on it.

Oh yeah, I saw that post and am grateful for it, I like when people step out of the comfort zone and try the more challenging topics.

yaaaa totally for sure it's great. I would try it but i don't know if I should because my mom does read my blogs . didn't know how she found it. I'm contemplating lol

I'm sure you'd respond in a way that was intelligent and in a balanced way and I think that would probably mean your mom wouldn't mind. If you think you cannot then fair enough.

i guess that's true. she should understand. maybe ill just give it a shot lol

they're generous and ensure I am well-remunerated, comfortable and have the right tools to do my job

That's how all businesses should run.

Exactly Ry, and you know what? I work harder because of it, find better processes and solutions, seek better outcomes. It's a no brainer right?

Well technically yes XD A startling amount of people seem genuinely shocked that they can't just have everything for nothing though :D

I agree with you, so many of those types out there.

Hi Galen, I think the best thing about my work situation is that I work for myself, for example in a few days I will be going away for a few days and I don't have to report to anyone. The worst thing about this situation is that if I had an employee I would surely take more care of their work environment than I do my own. Best regards, I hope you are having a great weekend.

Ir can bring a lot of flexibility to be one's own boss and that's a perk in itself, although it often comes with a lot of responsibility l, not so much to others maye but to the business/company itself.

I'm having a good weekend, it's hot here though, which is not good (I don't like the really hot weather) but I'm enjoying it nonetheless. I hope you are too.

Glad to hear you are having a good weekend, we still have about 16 hours left here and all is well. Best regards

Make the most of those 16 hours...I'm deep in Sunday, almost 17:45 here...I'm just putting my work laptop and mobile phone on charge and getting things ready for what is going to be a really busy week. It's been a good day though, and weekend generally, so no complaints.

It looks like a good job, I love the card and the cart.

I want to pay for the opening of an account that will allow me to have dollars in digital. Very different from the national bank.

Having a card makes you feel satisfied in a strange way that can't be explained.

Good luck with your account, I hope it works out.

You seem to have a great setup with your company benefits! It's wise to make the most of them while being responsible

Yeah, it's a pretty good deal and one I treat with a great deal of respect.

You have a nice job and you are also a good planner.

It's nice to be able to be free to choose the place where you will sleep or the vehicle that will best suit your travels in various places on the globe.

Indeed, a privilege.