Destiny – Luck or Hard work

in Freewriters2 years ago

When we say we are lucky we mean that we have achieved what we want. When we get something we really want then we make an effort to get things done in a way that we reach our destiny through our hard work. In both cases, we strive for something, and finally, we get it but in a different way.


Last night you had dreamed of achieving something and the next morning that thing comes to you In that case you are lucky. Then whatever you wish you are getting them without putting much effort and you are happy. Since luck always favors you things become very smooth to achieve, so you are happy with an end result and not the journey to achieve this end result.

Again in the same case last night you had dreamed of achieving something and not the next morning but you never know when that next morning will come when you achieve what you want. In the case of Hardworking people, they have their approach toward the thing that they want so they have to drive a long way to reach their destiny. In this case, whether they reach destiny is again questionable but putting their best is required from their end.

In both scenarios, you should be happy because if you are lucky and you got something that you wish for then you have enjoyed your destiny and not your journey. In case you are hardworking then doesn’t matter whether you have achieved what you want but you made an attempt to reach this destiny is within itself is an achievement because while walking on this path you have learned many things which you had never planned before. So just cheer the moments in your life the way it comes because every moment has its own pleasure.