Hair Loss - The Weekend Freewrite - 3/11/2023

in Freewriterslast year

The one who shines without grass is a barren land. Similar is the situation when you don't have hair on your head, your head shines like a surface. God made very good creatures like a human beings. God has given perfect look and made sure it gives aesthetic touch as well and hence we got a beautiful hair on our heads.


Nowadays we notice that people lose their hair earlier at a young age and one of the primary reasons for this is due to stress. People are under so much stress that the natural outcome of that is hair loss.

We always strive to maintain our lifestyle and this fuzz forces us to make sure that we take extra risks to earn more in order to do so we end up having more stress than peaceful life which results in health impacts and one such impact is hair loss.

The more we think more we invite problems in life. It's always a better deal to have a simple life and less stress, this will reduce the stress and anxiety in life.