Love Lost and Found

in Freewriters2 years ago


Mark is young man who had fallen deeply in love with a girl named Filda. However, Mark was poor and felt he could not offer Filda the life she deserved. With a heavy heart, he ended their relationship 5 years ago, hoping that Filda would find happiness with someone who could provide her with everything she deserved.

Filda was heartbroken by Mark's decision to end their relationship. She had believed they were meant to be together forever, and she could not understand why Mark had made such a choice. Despite her heartache, Filda moved on with her life and eventually fell in love with another man, whom she married.

Years passed, and Mark never forgot about Filda. He often thought about her and wondered if she had found the happiness she deserved. One day, he mustered up the courage to reach out to her and was pleasantly surprised to find out that she still remembered him fondly.

As they reconnected and caught up on each other's lives, Mark realized that his love for Filda had never truly faded. He confessed his feelings to her, and to his surprise, she revealed that she still loved him as well. Although they both knew it was too late to turn back time, they cherished the moments they spent together, and the love they had for each other never died.

Mark had always believed that he was not good enough for Filda, but in the end, it was their love that was enough to sustain them. They may not have been able to rewrite their past, but their love would forever be a beautiful part of their story.