Day 1544: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: dirt on face || On My Perfect Partner

in Freewriters2 years ago



Dear diary

These days have been strangely successful. Last Saturday I turned 18, and as I always dreamed, I dressed up spectacular to go meet my ideal partner. I didn't want any wrong man, and so I went to the Couple Matching Agency. I was absolutely sure that there I would be introduced to my strong, intelligent and thoughtful Scandinavian man who would love me above everything.

But no, they didn't. After giving all my personal info, likes and aspirations, I was given a humanoid tiger. I was horrified. They confused everything. I wanted a crush on my heart, not a heart attack.

After I told them I didn't want to be eaten by a tiger, the CMA confirmed this big cat was not like its four-legged relatives.

When I arrived home with him, my parents almost died. But I revived them with the help of "Tigy". As the days went by, we all realized he was good.

"Tigy" is stronger than any man, bolder than any of my previous love failures and he pays attention to me like no other.

And what's the best part? He only asks me in return to feed him condensed milk, my specialty!

Whenever his whiskers get dirty, he quickly licks them and says: "how sweet your love is".

Sighs of love.

Thank you, CMA.



Lol, you got me! Scandinavian Man to Tigy.😆 Anyways, do enjoy your new Companion Tigy😁


Some things do not result as expected. Yet, they work better than we thought.