I am overweight

in Freewriters9 months ago


Today I have come to write a little about my health progress. Some time ago I told you that I presented a syndrome with dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. I got sick to the point that I called a friend and fellow internist. He was at my house and checked my systems, even did an electrocardiogram, and found nothing to confirm my discomfort with any diagnosis. So we were just left with paroxysmal vertigo.

He ordered blood tests and that's where it all started. Upon arrival, my blood sugar result was 20 mgs above normal. The doctor tried to give me medication for insulin resistance and I refused. I asked him to let me try a week without sugar and carbohydrate intake. When I took another blood sample it came back very normal.

I decided to do something with my life. I had been reading for a while about how to stop sugar addiction. After reading so much information I decided to start with that. According to what I learned I could stop consuming sugar within 48 to 72 hours of starting abstinence. I tell you that it was easy to do it and after 48 hours I had no desire to eat any canned, packaged, bread or cake sweets, nothing...

It was a pleasure to know and learn that when I wanted to eat sugar instead of eating bread or candy I just had to eat a piece of meat of my liking. Today I no longer eat sugar because, in fact, I don't feel the abstinence because it happened as a kind of trick to my organism. I ate protein instead of sugar and now my body never asks me for snacks.

I switched to eating only my three meals a day without adding any sugar, honey, or sweeteners. I am not dizzy, I am healthier and I am losing weight.


I have not weighed myself, I do not feel the need to weigh myself to see how many kilograms, I have lost because, for the first time, I am eating to learn how to eat and that I am healthy and not to lose weight. My body size has decreased little by little, and I feel happy because I am overweight, obese, and reluctant to diet.

I am not dieting anymore, I am learning how to eat and stop eating products that are harmful to my body and eating what I like, healthy and I am still losing size. I don't talk about losing kilos because I don't weigh myself. After 4 months with this food system, I feel happy, and I am still learning how to eat healthily I am losing weight not by many kilograms but I feel lighter, healthier, and more active.

Soon I will be telling you what I do in my meals so that someone who feels devalued by diets can also feel the same as I do by eating what they like without feeling the deprivation they used to suffer before.

The photographs are taken with the Redmi Note 9.

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png


That's a very good progress. I have also reduced sugar consumption to a very low level and feel much better, even though I wasnt overweight

Greetings friend, I am pleased to greet you. I am glad that you are also trying the benefits of not consuming sugar. It is a very harmful substance. I had never given so much importance to the sugar I put in my mouth. Just by not consuming it, the body feels lighter.
I'm going for less weight. A hug.

Hola amiga, Gracias a Dios te sientes bien, hay que consumir poco sal y azúcar y así debemos de mantener a nuestras familias, aprender a alimentarnos, me alegro mucho, yo también consumía mucha azúcar y sal.

No, salt is not the problem, in fact I consume salt in my drinking water and the juice of 1 lemon. Salt is necessary in the body but sugar is a terrible substance that modifies the whole organism. The body forms sugar after consuming food but salt does not produce it. Thanks for stopping by.

Amiga me alegra estés mejorando. Saludos y bendiciones !LUV

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Hola amigo @felixgarciap. Un saludo especial para tí.