Herd of sheep / lost sheep found

in Freewriters4 years ago


They call out. The herd of sheep needs the shepherd because they are lost. They need to listen to the shaft. Their listening ears are opened wide to hear attentionly the direction given. And they followed. The sheep certainly know the sound of their shepherd.



Photo is taken from unsplash.com, captured by Daan Stevens

Where is the sheepdog?

It supposed to round up the sheep, being the shepherd's assistant to guard the herd of sheep. It is equally as important as the shepherd. So, now the shepherd has double job, looking after the sheep and searching for his sheepdog. But as the shepherd trying to look here and there for the sheepdog, the herd of sheep starts to scatter. The shepherd continues to knock his shaft on the floor while shouting out for his sheepdog. Never give up. Never leave anyone behind.

My Shepherd

When I first became a believer, I love the idea from the Bible that God is my Shepherd and I am His sheep. The sheep hears His voice. And the Shepherd always guide and will never leave me behind. That if He has 100 sheep, suddenly one is lost, He would still go all out to search for the ONE lost shop.



Photo of this cute sheep which resembles me, haha, is taken from unsplash.com, captured by Sam Carter

I am glad he found me when I was lost. And when I learned to incline my ears to his voice, I am transformed day by day. Shackles of hurt been broken, and I see myself being made whole again and again. Am glad I am among the herd of sheep, we learn to love one another while we love the ONE. He fills me with His unending love so that I can love, again and again.




This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse

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