Spring Chicken / Freewrite's Prompt by @mariannewest

in Freewriters2 years ago

Usually, a writing prompt like this will lead me to think of yummy spring chicken, or chicken dish cooked with spring onion and ginger. But not for now. My mother-in-law came to take care of the boys while I went to accompany my husband for his booster jab. When we were back home, my MIL told me that today she didn't need to do anything because my eldest helped a lot of the stuff at home, even helped in bathing the younger brother and cleaned his stoma, as well as changing the dressing for his feeding tube.

Time flies...

He is no longer a baby anymore...

Although I still call him my big baby.

My eldest son and I in the year 2016.

He is 11 years old this year and is at my eyes' height. I am not tall — 158-159cm and he is 148cm now. 10 more cm to go and will be taller than me.

He is no more spring chicken. LOL.

I still love to kiss and to smell him although he does not have that baby smell anymore, he is still my darling boy. The one who made me a mother. The one who taught me to be kind, loving and patience. He has grown so much, brain wise and body wise. He is having growth spurt now and into preteen journey. I could not be more proud of him.


Still have the same smile, isn't he?

He is such a sweet boy with tender heart. He is the type that won't fight back evil with evil, but to respond with empathy or kindness. He is smart and intelligent. To think of who he is becoming — a great man and a great person, I am proud to say I have well invested my life on him. 😍

My youngest son is still abit spring chicken. LOL.

Let me show you his baby photo and now.



He is on the petite side due to his medical condition and growing is a bit challenge but he is definitely wiser and smarter each year, despite his smaller stature. Another boy who is observant and sensitive to people's feeling.

I browsed my gallery to recall how they looked like when they were younger. So adorable.



Anyway, my eldest son really can't wait to be taller than me. And he is thinking whether will he gets the taller gene or the shorter gene. We have men in our family as tall as 180cm and also an average height like 170cm. He hopes to be 180cm so that he can play basketball easier. Haha. He is so into basketball recently.

At the moment, he is happy that he is almost as tall as his grandmother.






This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse

❤️Love from me❤️


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Children in the eyes of the mother are forever like spring chickens. So tender and juicy 😂❤️