No Limitations | 5 Minute Freewrite (Day 2009) | Prompt: standing in silence (en silencio) [Eng/Esp]


On the day Jackson stood at the edge of the porch, Mrs. Hennings prayed for him to disappear from their lives. She watched in sorrow the exchange between him and her daughter, Shavanya. Her husband glanced furtively over his shoulder seeking another outlet for his anger. Quickly, she placed a gentle hand on her husband's clenched fist while seeking forgiveness for her own thoughts.

Jackson's manner and toxic outlook would destroy Shavanya. Of that they were sure. Their daughter's health and well-being were fragile. The longer his influence was allowed to flourish, the deeper the wounds would implant themselves into her self-confidence.

He spoke them again. "You'll never be whole and able to fulfill your duties as a wife."

Standing in silence crying, Shavayna pitied Jackson as she struggled to visualize his face through her tears. She lifted her left arm to wipe them away.

There were no fingers to wipe away the flow of hurt.

Jackson's gaze followed her motion. Then, he sneered as though his point was proven. Turning, he walked confidently away and out of their lives.

A year later, his face had faded from Shavanya's mind.

But the sting from the words he spat lingered. They would attempt to establish a foothold in the night when alone with her thoughts. She shook them off, refusing to believe the words he spitefully suggested that day standing at the edge of the porch.

Her parents had taught her otherwise.

Long, auburn strands caressed her shoulders and flowed down her back. Simple in manner and style, she often wore white. A delicate and petite looking face, she'd smile and people looked no further.

College completed, a promising position with a small firm awaited Shavanya. Within the year, her outgoing and confidant personality enhanced her career.

But often, she'd scurry away to the top of the small ridge behind their ranch. There, she'd sit and look out over the river below. Beyond the horizon, blue skies and mountains never ceased to appear. They were constants in her life. Like her parents and friends. Peace flowed through her as she contemplated her future.

Those times she'd look down, then stretch out her left arm to the wind. Why me? didn't feel as important.

As part of her one-year anniversary, her co-workers celebrated her accomplishment with a small office party.

"Hello Shavanya. How have you been?" The voice registered from the depths of her memory. She turned slowly.

No longer the boyish expression of eighteen, Jackson's hardened face appeared somber.

"Could I have a few moments of your time? Your parents were hesitant, but they took one look at me and told me where you were employed" The tone in his voice grabbed Shavanya's heart straightaway.

"By the way, you look beautiful all grown up. There are some things I'd like to say to you if you'll allow it." No laughter. No smirking. Just a plan statement of fact in his eyes.

"I'm willing to listen. I forgave you years ago. I've no harsh feelings. It was a waste of my time and energy." She looked at him directly without flinching.

Finished for the day, Jackson invited Shavanya to dinner. She accepted.

She could see he'd been dealt some type of injury, but didn't pry.

"I want to apologize. Did you know that I enlisted in the army. I never understood until the morning I woke up in the army hospital with a ton of shrapnel in my right leg that couldn't be saved. I wanted to die. I felt I wasn't whole. I thought about you and the hurtful, unforgivable things I said that day. Your face has haunted me ever since. I loved you. I still do."

He couldn't look her in the face.

Shavanya didn't realize she'd been holding in all she wanted to say if ever given the opportunity. Now was her chance.

"What did the loss of an arm have to do with the love of a good woman? No, at eighteen, I wasn't a full woman yet. But I was almost there, and you wouldn't take a chance on me. Why should I take a chance on you now? Without a leg, what good will you be to me?" She didn't want to but needed to say that.

"I deserve that. But I was afraid of what people would say about us as a couple."

She took a deep breath after learning his story.

"We both encountered accidents we didn't foresee. What happened that day I begged my father to allow me to ride the tractor? What happened the day your unit was attacked, and you lost your leg? We can never go back to who we were before those eventful days. We can only move forward with our disabilities."

Ten minutes of silence. But there was too much still left unspoken.

Finally, Jackson implored, "would you be willing to move forward together? I'll be your left arm if you'll be my right leg."

Shavanya stared at Jackson's face. The same teen she fell in love with. Now the same man she had ceased speaking of, but never forgot.

"Come by for Sunday dinner. I'd like to introduce you to my parents."


Sin limitaciones

El día que Jackson se paró al borde del porche, la señora Hennings rezó para que desapareciera de sus vidas. Observó apenada el intercambio de palabras entre él y su hija, Shavanya. Su marido miró furtivamente por encima del hombro buscando otra salida para su ira. Rápidamente, puso una mano suave sobre el puño cerrado de su marido mientras buscaba el perdón para sus propios pensamientos.

Los modales y la actitud tóxica de Jackson destruirían a Shavanya. De eso estaban seguros. La salud y el bienestar de su hija eran frágiles. Cuanto más tiempo se permitiera que su influencia floreciera, más profundas se harían las heridas en su autoestima.

Volvió a pronunciarlas. "Nunca estarás completa y serás capaz de cumplir con tus deberes como esposa".

De pie en silencio llorando, Shavanya se compadeció de Jackson mientras se esforzaba por visualizar su rostro a través de las lágrimas. Levantó el brazo izquierdo para secárselas.

No había dedos para enjugar el flujo de dolor.

La mirada de Jackson siguió su movimiento. Luego, hizo una mueca como si su punto de vista hubiera quedado demostrado. Se giró y se alejó con paso seguro de sus vidas.

Sus padres le habían enseñado lo contrario.

Sus largos cabellos castaños le acariciaban los hombros y le caían por la espalda. De modales y estilo sencillos, solía vestir de blanco. De rostro delicado y menudo, sonreía y la gente no la miraba más.

Al terminar la universidad, Shavanya obtuvo un puesto prometedor en una pequeña empresa. Al cabo de un año, su personalidad extrovertida y confiada impulsó su carrera.

Pero a menudo se escapaba a la cima de la pequeña colina detrás de su rancho. Allí se sentaba a contemplar el río. Más allá del horizonte, el cielo azul y las montañas no dejaban de aparecer. Eran constantes en su vida. Como sus padres y sus amigos. La paz la invadía mientras contemplaba su futuro.

Aquellas veces que miraba hacia abajo y extendía el brazo izquierdo al viento. ¿Por qué yo? no le parecía tan importante.

Como parte de su primer aniversario, sus compañeros de trabajo celebraron su logro con una pequeña fiesta en la oficina.

"Hola Shavanya. ¿Cómo has estado?" La voz se registró desde las profundidades de su memoria. Se volvió lentamente.

Ya no tenía la expresión juvenil de los dieciocho años, el rostro endurecido de Jackson parecía sombrío.

"¿Me concedes un momento de tu tiempo? Tus padres dudaban, pero me echaron un vistazo y me dijeron dónde estabas empleada" El tono de su voz cautivó enseguida el corazón de Shevanya.

"Por cierto, estás muy guapa de mayor. Hay algunas cosas que me gustaría decirte, si me lo permites". Sin risas. Sin muecas. Sólo una declaración de hecho en sus ojos.

"Estoy dispuesto a escuchar. Te perdoné hace años. No tengo resentimientos. Fue una pérdida de mi tiempo y energía". Ella le miró directamente sin inmutarse.

Terminada la jornada, Jackson invitó a Shavanya a cenar. Ella aceptó.

Se dio cuenta de que le habían hecho algún tipo de daño, pero no se entrometió.

"Quiero pedirte disculpas. ¿Sabías que me alisté en el ejército? Nunca lo entendí hasta la mañana en que me desperté en el hospital militar con una tonelada de metralla en la pierna derecha que no se podía salvar. Quería morir. Sentía que no estaba entero. Pensé en ti y en las cosas hirientes e imperdonables que dije aquel día. Tu cara me persigue desde entonces. Te quería. Todavía te quiero".

No podía mirarla a la cara.

Shavanya no se dio cuenta de que se había estado guardando todo lo que quería decir si alguna vez se le daba la oportunidad. Ahora era su oportunidad.

"¿Qué tenía que ver la pérdida de un brazo con el amor de una buena mujer? No, a los dieciocho años aún no era una mujer hecha y derecha. Pero casi lo era, y tú no te arriesgaste conmigo. ¿Por qué debería arriesgarme contigo ahora? Sin una pierna, ¿de qué me servirías?". No quería, pero necesitaba decirlo.

"Me lo merezco. Pero tenía miedo de lo que la gente diría de nosotros como pareja".

Ella respiró hondo tras conocer su historia.

"Ambos sufrimos accidentes que no habíamos previsto. ¿Qué pasó el día que le rogué a mi padre que me dejara montar en tractor? ¿Qué pasó el día que atacaron tu unidad y perdiste la pierna? Nunca podremos volver a ser quienes éramos antes de esos días llenos de acontecimientos. Sólo podemos seguir adelante con nuestras discapacidades".

Diez minutos de silencio. Pero aún quedaban demasiadas cosas por decir.

Finalmente, Jackson imploró: "¿Estaríais dispuestos a avanzar juntos? Yo seré tu brazo izquierdo si tú eres mi pierna derecha".

Shavanya se quedó mirando la cara de Jackson. El mismo adolescente del que se había enamorado. Ahora el mismo hombre del que había dejado de hablar, pero que nunca olvidó.

"Ven a cenar el domingo. Me gustaría presentarte a mis padres"



For my story, I was inspired by and utilized @mariannewest's Freewrite prompt:
Para mi historia, me inspiré y utilicé el tema Freewrite de @mariannewest:

Day 2009: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: standing in silence.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


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b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.

h) Thumbnail image created by me as a Stable Diffusion image in Deep Dream Generator.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



"...We can only move forward with our disabilities."

Oh my heart! This story is not only touching but filled with wisdom and life lessons. This particular statement says it all: forgiveness, second chances, and moving forward after life-changing events!

At first when I started reading, I imagined if I was Shavanya, I wouldn't give Jackson a moment to say anything. I would just walk away...but I didn't know Jackson had encountered a life-changing situation —the loss of his right leg.

When we are young, we say and do foolish and mean things. When we are older and made a little wise by experience, we long for an opportunity to make things right (especially for people with a conscience). Jackson was lucky to have this opportunity and at the end of the story, I'm happy Shavanya listened to him. Life is challenging enough without us making it more complicated for each other.

I love the way you capture the emotions of the characters and the dialogue between Shavanya and Jackson is realistic and heartfelt. Beautifully written! !LUV !LADY 💕

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Thanks so much @luvshares for advising of the LUV Tokens shared by @kemmyb. So thoughtful of her to do so.

Hello @kemmyb. What a thoughtful and insightful analysis of the story. Yes, it says it all that we can't go back just move forward with whatever life has dealt us.

At first, I thought about forgiveness and second chances. We all need them. Do we deserve them is only for the person on the receiving end to decide. I know for myself sometimes I want to hold back my forgiveness. Then I think of the power it creates over me to hold on to grudges and not be able to live life fully. When I as younger, I'd have no problem holding on. As we grow older, we see life differently. I'd hope that if I did a person wrong, that they would forgive me so that they can move forward. We each have to account for our own mistakes.

Sometimes life itself teaches you when other fail.

I believe Jackson "got his just desserts" in a life lesson. I was just sad it had to be a physical impairment that woke him up to his biases and allowed him to receive a second chance.

Thanks so much for your visit. I love your engagement always.

Take care and have a good rest of your week.


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Hello @indiaunited. Thanks so much for stopping by and bringing me news of the manual curation by @bhattg for my freewrite story. I certainly appreciate that my post was of sufficient interest for both your support.

Take care and have a good start to your week.

Hello @justclickindiva this was a wonderful story with a very good moral and very important meaning of forgiveness and not giving up on someone. Thank you I loved this story.
Have a great week!
Barb 😊

Hello @adcreatordesign. Hope you had a good weekend. I'm pleased that you liked my freewrite short story. Yes, one never knows what life has in store. It's an unknown journey even in the best of times will your life plans.

Thanks for your visit and support. I appreciate it.

Take care and have a good week ahead too. And thanks for the tokens.


@adcreatordesign! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (3/10)

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Hello @justclickindiva Life can get very difficult and sometimes we don't act how we want to because we are only human and in pain. Forgiveness is always good and moving forward and not giving up on the ones we love. I'm so glad that Shavanya and Jackson got together again. You are most welcome and thank you for the token!

@justclickindiva! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adcreatordesign. (1/1)

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Hello @bdcommunity. Thanks so much for stopping by and advising of your support. I appreciate the fact thar @rem-steem was so kind as to visit and manually curate my freewrite story and recommend it for support. I'm pleased my theme was of sufficient quality.

Take care everyone and have a blessed rest of your week.

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Thanks @visualblock for stopping by and information me that my short story was provided a manual curation and that it was found interesting for your support. I appreciate it.

This was a deeply thought-provoking story. I would have kicked him to the curb on one leg in my flesh ... but then considering what the Lord Jesus did, and how He has forgiven us ... at least another mortal might be graced with the chance to make amends ... deeply thought-provoking...

Hello @deeanndmathews. truly apologize for not responding. I thought I already did. My mind is slowly slipping a bit. I want to thank you for visiting and leaving your lovely compliment for my story. You know, I thought about the act of forgiveness and how it weighs heavily on your future if you hold resentment. One can listen to apologies, but the action must be proven in order to move forward.

I hope the couple can come to terms with past biases and hurtful words spoken. It's easier said than accomplished. It's also sad that tragedy has to happen sometimes for some individuals to realize their mistakes.

I appreciate your engagement and support.

Take care.


@deeanndmathews! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (4/10)

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Apology accepted ... still on time!

I often think that your stories could be expanded to a whole novel ... this story would be a good one.

Yay! 🤗
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Hello @hivebuzz. Thanks so much for your visit and alert for my new posting badge. I've been doing well lately publishing a post for a week.

I appreciate your support. Take care.

You're welcome @justclickindiva! Have a nice day 😊👍

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Hello. Thanks for your visit. I'm pleased you like my story and appreciate the TIP.

Take care and have a good weekend.