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RE: From Freewriter to Agency Deal with APS International!

in Freewriters4 years ago

Wow!! How cool is that! I will try to set my timer for tomorrow. Are you reading under your own profile? Can you drop a link?
And when is the book available on Amazon? (or better - somewhere else but Amazon :)


I will drop a link 5-10 minutes before the live in the comments on this post! The book is available on Amazon now, but I will be doing a free giveaway of the e-book on the 18th, and so will drop the link then!

Owing to Amazon's policies, it will be 90 days before I can put the book anywhere else ... that's the price you pay for enrolling in KDP Select. Obviously, you can still read it back on The-Chain-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named in its original form written day by day, but, until November, I can't have it anywhere else.

But, hey, I'm open to suggestions -- where would you like to see the book in addition to Amazon late this year and next year?

okay - good to know. I will buy it - I want to support you.
Do you know about this lady?

She has all kinds of suggestions on where and how to publish.
Personally, I love audio books these days... And I buy them on Chirp :)

Never heard of Ms. Penn or Chirp... but I will check both out ... and I am sort of doing these live reading to see if I can transition to doing audiobooks ...

Joanna Penn is a prolific author and also, a very good businesswoman. I have listened to her podcasts for quite a while. She built herself a high 6 figure income with all her offerings to the world.
Chirp is a business that sells audiobooks for a discount - they usually are on offer for about 30 days. A good way for a listener/reader to get a lot of books - and for an author to get them in front of people :)
I think audiobook recording will be different than life reading. You want to have good sound (mics are not that expensive) and you will have to do quite a bit of editing to get it clean...
But it is the fastest-growing market...

Okay, good to know ... I know some people who can help me with the mics and all ... Chirp ... I also know a grand voiceover artist as well who already has the setup!

My end date in KDP Select is actually October 6, so, maybe by Christmas, you will hear a "chirp" ...

Sounds good! I loved your reading yesterday but for some reason, I couldn't comment. I was listening from my phone.
As to the setup - mics are not that expensive and a mentor of mine has done audiobooks (she is a professional podcaster) and recorded to her laptop with a mic sitting in her closet :)
When I first started podcasting, I used audacity - a free editing software. I don't know if that is still around. But there should be free or very cheap options...
You could do your life readings with a mic in front of you.
I have the ATR 2100 - it goes on sale ever so often. But there are others that have good sound and can be had for less than $ 100. I feel that a pop filter is a must...
Personally, when I listen to podcasts, I don't mind misspoken words - but when I listen to a book, it takes me out of the story.