Happy Teacher's Day To My Teachers And All The Teachers In The World

My English teacher in Kindergarten year 2019
My Math teacher in Kindergarten year 2019
Our nun principal when I was in Kindergarten year 2019

Good evening everyone.

I just want to greet today my teachers and all the teachers in the world a Happy Teacher's Day and to let them know they are loved and remembered. These pictures I am going to share were my pictures during my moving up ceremony in Kindergarten. I was the 1st Honor or Top Achiever (With Highest Honors) They are my teachers when I was in Elementary and Kindergarten. 2 of them are nuns and our principal was a nun also. They are so kind, friendly, and very nice to me and I miss them so much. I remember we always dance before our class starts and our teachers were good dancers too. Today, I am already in Grade 4 and I am now in a new school. I don't have pictures of my teachers today but we always chat on our class messenger group chat. Me and my classmates already greeted hem and they were very happy.

My gramma is a retired teacher and my dad was an English teacher to when he was here in the Philippines. To all the teachers here On Hive, Happy Teacher's Day. Thank you for all your hard work.

That's all for today and thank you for reading.

(Your 4th Grader Friend)

October 5, 2022

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Happy teacher's day to your teachers, Nani and all the teachers out there :)

Thank you, mommy 😍

Celebrating teachers day there too, wow we are also celebrating teachers day here to. Enjoy your day 🙌

Thank you. You too 🙂

Happy teachers day to all the teachers here in hive

Cheers, tita 🙂

Happy Teacher's Day to your grandma and dad and all teachers out there :)

Thank you, uncle Arif 🙂

Happy Teachers Day to all your teachers Langga 🔆

Thank you, tita 🙂

Smart Nani! It's so sweet of you to greet your teachers! My son forgot about it. He just made the card last night and gave it earlier. Hahahha, better late than never.

Thank you, tita 🙂🙂🙂

Pee teachers to all over the world. Salute to them! What a smart gurl you are bb gurl, just like your parents.

Th😘😘😘ank you, tita

kindergarten,which country?

This was in 2019. Philippines. Are you American or Filipino?

Thanks @naniplayergamer ❤️

oh are you a teacher, tita? nice. Happy teacher's day