No longer native

in Freewriters4 years ago


I grew up thinking that I was native to this country, to this world.

I have been deluding myself.

I am a stranger. I'm an alien. I'm not of this world.

My world has no shouting people down because they don't agree with you.

My world does not allow for arbitrary arson and street violence.

My world is populated by hard working people who want to get home to their families.

My world has gardens, and trees, rivers and fields to occupy your time off.

My world has long since disappeared.


Image by PIRO4D

5 minute freewrite prompt native


That was a sad story @uthus2k, and I have to agree, the world I grew up in has changed a lot, and I am only 39, and by the looks of it we are moving towards even harder times still, but let's do what we can for the people that do matter most to us, that's what is possible for us to have an impact, thanks for sharing, it's awesome.

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