Ode to Radicals

in Blockchain Poets3 years ago (edited)


Ode to Radicals

Tell me about your suicidal hate
Tell me about your secret tapes
Tell me what to others you couldn’t say
Tell me things will never be okay

Tell me about your burning desire
Tell me how you’ll set the world on fire
Tell me how we’ve begun to rust
Tell me like I’m someone you can trust

Tell me what hurts the most
Tell me, without reproach
Tell me about unyielding rage
Tell me I was born in a cage

Tell me why you think it’s too late
Tell me why I shouldn’t believe in fate
Tell me what is mine to take
Tell me everything you think is at stake

Tell me about the endless derision
Tell me about your hardest decision
Tell me it’ll be worth the wait
Tell me it’s pointless to speculate

Tell me about blatant misinformation
Tell me what you think has been taken
Tell me why you can’t sleep at night
Tell me why they can’t snuff out the light

Tell me about directed dissonance
Tell me about organized resistance
Tell me your most dangerous secret
Tell me I can always keep it

Tell me that the time has come
Tell me why we’ve already won
Tell me about the rivers of blood
Tell me how to rise from the mud

Tell me they can’t kill us all
Tell me we’ll survive the fall
Tell me it isn’t so long
Tell me why I’m so wrong

Tell me why you can’t live as a slave
Tell me what lies outside this cave
Tell me why I can’t escape my sins
Tell me about the kingdoms within

Tell me about unfettered disdain
Tell me about the purifying rain
Tell me nothing can ever be the same
Tell me where to direct my shame

Tell me about primeval deliverance
Tell me how all is not forgiven
Tell me it’s just too late for us
Tell me how it’s only just begun

Tell me where your demons hide
Tell me how you really tried
Tell me how they can’t make you submit
Tell me things you should never admit

Tell me how the wounds have festered
Tell me how the pain is tethered
Tell me how everything right is rough
Tell me why my love is not enough

Tell me all your deep suspicions
Tell me most of your bleakest visions
Tell me how the roses slowly wilted
Tell me how you feel demented

Tell me about mind control
Tell me how you’ve paid its toll
Tell me about quantum physics
Tell me how you’re going to fix this

Tell me I should’ve been more bold
Tell me it’s not enough to just grow old
Tell me all the truth that needs to be told
Tell me how our fates were already sold

Tell me about productive integrity
Tell me about your manifest destiny
Tell me how something’s got to give
Tell me how it hurts to live

Tell me what’s been torn asunder
Tell me of prophetic thunder
Tell me when your heart cries out
Tell me what it’s all about

Tell me of your sordid past
Tell me we were built to last
Tell me it was a clean break
Tell me more than I can take

Tell me that you’re not a coward
Tell me to transform your power
Tell me we were born of a curse
Tell me I can still be the salt of the Earth

Tell me about holy retribution
Tell me about the hard solutions
Tell me just what is on your mind
Tell me and I’ll pay in kind.

Tell me when it’s just too much
Tell me and I’ll be your crutch
Tell me how the others turned away
Then tell me how you’ll seize the day.


Very cool poem, and what good questions and reflections, keep it up =)

PS: Use images to make the poem look much cooler and have more views on it =)

Thank you for the feedback :) I added in a picture for this one that kind of goes along with the poem and is a bit eye catching.

Yes you did a great job. It's very long but stays on track of the subject. :) Nicely done!

Well. Um...


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