Kada bespotrebno patimo, a nije trebalo. When we suffer needlessly, and we shouldn't have.

in BANAT2 years ago

Dodju tako dani kad ti nije ni do čega. Dešava se. Onda uzmem četkicu i boje, ruka sama klizi po platnu. Tako je nastala ova balerina. Balerina koja predstavlja moje stanje ovih dana. Slika koja govori hiljadu reči. Seta, očekivanja, nadu, strpljenje.

Days will come when you don't need anything. It happens. Then I take the brush and paints, my hand slides on the canvas by itself. This is how this ballerina was born. A ballerina that represents my state these days. A picture that speaks a thousand words. Seta, expectations, hope, patience.




Bilo je dana kada je sve išlo u visinu, čak i to stanje ume da uplaši. Jednom sam drugarici rekla kako imam utisak da ne može bolje biti. Sve ti je lepo, a ina mi kaže:

  • I to će proći.

There were days when everything went up, even that condition can scare. I once told a friend that I had the impression that it couldn't get any better. Everything is beautiful to you, and ina tells me:

  • And that will pass.





Nastavila je da mi objašnjava:

  • Život je kao spirala. Ide dole, gore, dole ali uvek ka visini. Samo treba biti strpljiv i prihvatati sve šti dodje. Dan za danom živeti najbolje šti možeš. To je najveća mudrost. Kada te nešto povredi ili budeš ranjen ili mudriji. Ako je liše- učiš, ako je dobro- uživaj.

She continued to explain to me:

  • Life is like a spiral. It goes down, up, down but always up. You just have to be patient and accept everything that comes. Day by day live the best you can. That is the greatest wisdom. When something hurts you, you are either wounded or wiser. If it sucks - you learn, if it's good - enjoy it.





Život je baš kao slikanje slike. Napraviš skicu i plan teme, a onda se trudiš da to ostvariš.

Life is just like painting a picture. You make a sketch and a plan of the topic, and then you try to make it happen.




Boje nanosiš polako, brišeš pa ponovo bojiš. Odmeravaš svaki potez. Ruka postaje sve sigurnija. Rasteš sve više. Sve bolje slikaš. Ne vezuješ se ni za uspeh ni za neuspeh. Samo radiš i daješ sve od sebe.

You apply colors slowly, wipe off and paint again. You measure every move. The hand becomes more and more secure. You're growing bigger. You're getting better at painting. You are not attached to success or failure. You just work and do your best.



Dok rasteš, ružno pače se polako pretvara u belog labuda. A tako si bespotrebno patio.
Samo imaj vere u život i postaćeš beli labud. . . 🦢

As you grow, the ugly duckling slowly turns into a white swan. And so you suffered needlessly.
Just have faith in life and you will become a white swan. . .🦢


Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


That's right, we're going day by day, wiser and fulfilled. The border is right there where we mark it🌞👋
If we manage to muve it forward,then we create art like this☝️ Bravo @vragolana 👏👏👏👏

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