Roadtrip to Nowhere

in Worldmappin11 months ago

Roadtrip to Nowhere

On a previous post I said I was going on a road trip. I am now back to Houston. I thought, I will have plenty of time to write a post or two over the last 3 weeks, but like many things I have misjudged! But better late than never. What a trip it was! Without any detours (there were plenty, in fact today, I will mostly talk about one), as per google maps, it was 4077 KM one way. Round trip, as per my car, I have driven about 7500 miles or 12,000 kilometers in 3 weeks! I am no stranger to long roadtrips by car, but something of this magnitude I have never done in my life! Well, now I have. Next, drive to Alaska from Houston (someday).


Just to keep 12,000 km in perspective. Earth's diameter is 12,756 KM! Earth's circumference at equator is 40,075 KM. So I have driven nearly as much as the diameter of the Earth and nearly 3/10 of the equatorial circumference of the planet! For the record, I am fine. So is my Bronco. Both my 12 year old daughther and I are sane, and we didn't kill each other! We did finish 6 full length audio-books! The full 6 book series by Michael Scott The Alchemyst and 5 follow up books And most importantly, I have been able to show my daughter a segment of the United States from the ground level.

Why Nowhere?

One of the part I enjoy about roadtrips is making small detours. I always find minor interesting things along the way, that I wouldn't have visited individually or ever, but those memories often stays. One such place is Des Moines, wait for it, not Iowa, but New Mexico. Unless you have driven highway 87 between Clayton, NM and Raton, NM (both places, as non-descriptive as it gets, unless you are familiar), there is no reason for anyone to know Des Moines, NM exists. Even if people who took the diagonal direct route between Amarillo, TX and I-25, on the way to Denver, CO; can overlook Des Moines, NM as a random hamlet where you have to just slow your cruising speed of 85 miles/hr to 55 miles/hr, and you do that loads of times on a long drive.


This is abandoned. New Mexico has many ghost towns, Des Moines is not one of them, people actually live in this town. But this building is abandoned. Sorry @slobberchops I didn't get in!

Freedom Schools were alternative middle and high schools where African American college students taught during the Civil Rights movement. There were reportedly 41 Freedom Schools, part of an effort to achieve social, political, and economic equality for African Americans in the 1960's.

I know this because I am from the south. Most Freedom Schools were in the southern part of United States. I had no idea who one ended up this far north, and especially in a town like this, current population of 117 (yes, it is probably even less now, that census is 2020).

Near Capulin Volcano, people still stop for a gas refill at this town, or maybe a quick refill of coffee at the gas station. But that is about it. There is a tourist infomation center, but permanently closed.



There is Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, just opposite of the Phillips Gas Station, looks like active from the outside. But then I ran into this, due north of the gas station I stopped, the Des Moines Cemetery, perched on the low hill and very visible from the highway. From a distance, it is quite attractive. Did I mentioned ever, that I love cemeteries?


It is up the little dirt road going to nowhere (or maybe somewhere, who knows?!). I drove up to it and stopped the car ourside and walked in. It is a beautifully clean wide open space under the big New Mexico sky.


I do not know them, but I paid my respect to the Hamilton family. What a beautiful final resting place! Someday, I will go down, as the next person, I wish I get a place like this when my kids can visit if they want!



This is where they have fallen asleep. Under the watchful eyes of Sierra Grande, a relatively recent strato-volcano, about 2.5 to 3.5 Million years old, Pliocene. I sat here for about half an hour, not doing much, thinking this and that. My daughter wasn't much interested obviously, after a few minutes, she went back to the car, trying to finish the legend of zelda: breath of the wild, on her Switch! Such is life!


But this building is abandoned. Sorry @slobberchops I didn't get in!

The door on the far left side look suspect, you need some training 😀

Clearly I need training!

With a permanent population probably less than 100 I don't know who will enter that space and why :)

Not that there are any shortage of spaces to do drugs

Not that there are any shortage of spaces to do drugs

This I find often, and photography opportunities are frequent. You need to know what to look for.

The US is so vast that you guys may be more used to driving long distances. I did some driving in California and Nevada that was very different to here. I hope the roads you took were good. You can drive the length of the UK in a couple of days. It's good to explore and see what's out there.

Happy trails.

Yes. Not only the roads are excellent but the network of roadside motels and other support system is very good as well.

We'll be in the US next month, but over on the east side to explore some places we haven't been to. There will some posts about that of course.

Cheers! Will look forward to them

It is not a joke to drive 12000 kms and come back with the same route, I am saying this because in April this year I also went from North to East in India after driving 4000 kms.

I am also fond of visiting cemeteries, I have seen British time cemeteries in North India. I am surprised that your daughter also supported you on this journey. I have seen Alaska Bus in photos and movies and I really pray that you visit Alaska soon and share your experience and photos with us.

I have been to Alaska many times. Our daughters too. They like Salmon fishing there. However we flew there, here she was talking about driving from Houston.

Home to Anchorage


Home to Prudhoe Bay, North Slope of Alaska

I can't imagine that you guys are going to go to Alaska by road. Going by flight is a different thing but going by road is completely different. My best wishes are with you on this journey.

Cool to see the route you took. I've never been to Des Moines, NM but I sure have been to Las Vegas, NM. And I really enjoy driving that windy mountain pass north through Raton and into Colorado!

Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.

Near that pass is the type section to of Iridium anomaly, a thin ash formation that signifies the end of the dinosaurs. The Cretaceous Mass Extinction

That makes sense since it is widely thought that the meteor impact in New Mexico is what brought the extinction of the dinosaurs as we know them. And it also helped in the formation of the grand canyon since there was so much "drainage" that led to the erosion of the canyon.

12K!!! I'm doing 4 or 500 the next two weeks and feel that's a lot. Lol!

Drive to North Slope of Alaska next!

Lol. Just watch me! 🤣

Many km! For many people that's a year's mileage and you made it in less than a month. Enjoy digesting the experience and start dreaming of the next one :)

yes, that is indeed a lot of miles I put on the car

It must have been an amazing trip and O hope you enjoyed the time with your daughter; I think she'll come to think of this trip often as she gets older and be very glad she took it with you. You will probably think the same in reverse if you do not already. It's good to know you're back safe and sound and that you had a nice time.

Becca 🌷

12,000km?! That's 12 times the distance from one corner of Croatia to the other. Can't even imagine doing a road trip of that magnitude.
Glad to hear you and kid are still sane and not killed each other. 😆

distances are deceptive here, due to good highway conditions, wide open spaces, and cheap gasoline; long road trips are common in the United States.

Amazing, congrats to you both for patience and endurance and curiosity and provably durable hinds !LOLZ

@tipu curate

it is possible to do these things around here, just need free time.

You need to make/take your free time :)

Congrats & respect again.


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@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

What do you call an island populated entirely by cakes?

Credit: reddit
@azircon, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ervin-lemark


Interesting about the Freedom Schools. Thanks for sharing.

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Oh my you are strong and very determined to do the trip....that was long long miles you have made, well done! The longest trip I made by car was from Vienna to Andalucia, Southern Spain for about 2.2K kilometers passing by Italy & France for 2 1/2 days.

That is a trip. The best of these trips are the memories, not of the big cities or monuments, but of the characters and places that due to some unique circumstance remain indelibly marked.

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Agree, "nowhere" is probably one of the most exciting places to go expectations, no disappointment only discoveries:)
About the Kilomenters, I guess you can add that to your CV now; "drove the earth's diameter" sounds pretty impressive to me!

Very cool trip.. You will love your trip up to Alaska.. The mountains just get larger and larger :) Great photos

Yeah, that's some serious mileage. That Cemetry definitely has a beautiful atmosphere... not the usual vibe and surrounding scenery.

I really enjoyed reading your post so much, I also made a plan a similar journey 5-6 days ago. A journey from Istanbul to Ukraine, then to Russia and finally to Mongolia.The journey will about a month and during this time i will have the chance to visit many places and of course will be alone and take time for myself. As someone who goes on long trips and loves it, really understand you very well.I know you enjoyed it extremly and congratulate you. See you on your next trip, take care! drive safe!

hey bro, it's a very long journey to cover a long distance spirit to have fun ,nice to see your story

That is a LOT of ground to cover! What's cool is this is a trip you and your daughter will remember the rest of your lives and hopefully look back fondly on for all of the adventures you had. Btw, The Alchemist is one of my favorite books as well!

She wants to drive to Alaska next :)

That will take 2 weeks plus!

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