
I hope people can begin traveling safely again.

I think we are almost back to that point aren't we? I mean, flying on an airplane doesn't sound very appealing but a car trip sounds good.

People from Wisconsin are not allowed to drive into Chicago and if Chicago residents drive into WI the have to self quarantine or face huge fines. It's going to be a while before there are road trips here I think.

Holy smokes Melinda, that sounds pretty bad. But hey, your comment was a ridiculous 9 days ago so things may have already gotten better. Sorry for the unbelievably late reply, I had no idea it was this long.

I've heard from reliable sources that a weaponized virus attack is going to be launched soon on the U.S. so get stocked up. You probably already are though. But warn the kids that it's a strong possibility and soon.

I was thinking of you today and wondering why it has been so long since I heard from you.
That sounds like a bad Sci fi movie plot, but in this insane world it has become almost believable. I'm pretty well stocked up.

I'm sorry I was off here for so long. A couple of nights I got ready to come on here and I fell asleep! Just flat out fell asleep and woke up an hour later and went to bed! I don't know what that was about but I was pretty disappointed.

We'll see what happens but not only are intelligence sources warning about a virus attack but two of my favorite ...I don't know what to call them..they aren't pastors but they hear from God. lol...anyway, they both warned to get stocked up because a weaponized virus will be released.

Who ever it is that want to destroy us think they can break us because we're already limping along from the coronavirus. But it might not happen at all, let's hope not.

Did the Ecency website work out for you?

I certainly hope that can't be done, but I'm glad I'm not in a city. It makes me worry about my Chicago kids.