Meeting Mlini

in Worldmappin11 months ago

Seven days isn't enough.

How spoiled am I?

Obviously, seven days is better than less, but I think if we do this again, ten days would be better than seven. We left at the start of our vacation, so it took a bit to wind into the holiday mood, then it feels like it is going to end a little too soon.


We do have some weeks of holidays still once we get back to Finland, but it seems Finland isn't offering the best weather, with most days rainy and under 20C, which means no lake swimming and little outdoor activity.


We are in Mlini, which is 12 kilometers south of Dubrovnik on the Riviera and is quite an idyllic location. Apparently, it is nearly all owned ad operated by the same company, Maistra. This has left is with some lessons learned.

Firstly, the hotel we booked through was a 4-star hotel, but it didn't mention that all the amenities are located at a 3-star hotel next door. This means that there are two full hotels sharing one pool area, and breakfast and dinner. Also, the breakfast (which weren't included for our villa apartment, but have bought a couple times) is far more 3-star than four.not bad, but not great.


Then there are all the extras, where for example, the private hotel beach still requires paying for beds and umbrellas. It isn't that expensive in the grand scheme, but it leaves a bitter taste, considering the price of the week booking. Even the pool table and ping pong cost to use.

We haven't taken the beach chairs though, choosing to be by the pool more and when at the beach, just taking a bag and finding some shade. We aren't sunbaking there, nor spending more than an hour or two anyway, so it is fine.


There aren't as many restaurants as I had hoped, and while the service has been generally good, the gluten and lactose limitations have severely hampered our choices, ending up dining at far more expensive places that are willing to cater.

The food has by far, been the biggest cost for us, but there would be much cheaper options for those who don't have dietary restrictions. Food quality has been average, but nothing to write home about. Again, tourist area, so expectations should align.


My wife showing her size preferences

Overall, the staff and service has been very good ad accommodating, and most places ho out if their way to cater for our needs, if they can. They also seem to remember us if we visit a second time and suggest edits to the dish, like leaving cream off, or putting sauce on the side instead. It is nice.

The other thing that has been a challenge, is there is no store close, so while we have an apartment with a kitchen, getting anything to cook isn't easy, so we haven't done much. However, it is well worth it to have the extra room for our daughter and the quietness of being detached from other guests.


Mlini itself seems to be a ice place just to hangout and sit around, with not a lot to do in terms of tourist activities, unless wanting to get a jet ski or SUP board. There is also only one "bar" in the area where you get people might go, but that isn't an issue for us. There are other bars to drink at though of course, but it might not be a location for the party animals amongst us.

For older or much younger, it is good.

Also, I think it is worth noting that a person might not want to spend all their time here and instead take a taxi into Dubrovnik for the old town, dinner or whatever.

We took a bus the first day and it was about 6 euros all together. We took a taxi back and it was 25. The walk up the hill to the bus stop, the standing and the getting off at the wrong stop... Taxi is better. Even if we got off at the right stop, it would have been a bit if a walk into the old city.

From what we have seen though, Croatia is a great destination to spend some time and explore and if we come back, we will get out of the city and towns and head more into nature. This takes a bit more planning though, and a willingness to walk. There must be some beautiful places to see, especially if not worried about getting seasick, which has stopped us from going out to the islands, as my wife is very sensitive.

Still, highly recommended and it would be amazing to stay in one of the apartments for a couple nights in Dubrovnik... Without a child that is.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I am always in favor of Airbnb when I am traveling. I have had great luck and only one time did I have anything worth complaining about. But, that was when it was a newer venue and not as well checked out. I hear all of what you are saying and one of the reasons those well-priced, all-inclusive deals are good, but, not what they lead you to believe. It's not so much what they give you as what you think you are getting. Here is where the little things do make a difference. Not enough to raise the flag, but, little inconveniences that add more padding to your bill.

Still in all, you are so right about the week not being enough. It takes me til the third day to feel on vacation and the fifth to know I need to wind down. Darn! Two days of vacation. Ten days or two weeks tend to feel perfect. :) Really though, I found 24 days was perfect, and then, boom! I didn't want to come home. There is that.

You had a few things you would do differently. But, I feel like you will have these great memories. Croatia really drives that home... Italy, France, Greece... the world is so full or wonderful vacations. We should just do it full-time. :)

I haven't tried airbnb yet - though shared one in Krakow at SF3! :D

Not enough to raise the flag, but, little inconveniences that add more padding to your bill.

Yep. And it has added a fair bit, but thankfully we also weren't stuck with all inclusive, as they likely wouldn't have had much edible variation for us.

Ten days or two weeks tend to feel perfect. :)

Next time, 10-14 for us. We were planning 10, but the days didn't fit our schedule- or the hotel's. Still, this has been good :)

Wouldn't it be great to be able to just travel and work from anywhere? :D

SF3! I didn't know very many people that were going and it really didn't fit in my work schedule. I really did want to go as I had been to Krakow quite a few times and missed the Cloth Market. :) Ha! And Wawel Castle/Cathedral. Airbnb has come a long way since then. They got a makeover so to speak, there are better accommodations available and many are priced right. I should say that there are accommodations for every wallet. Much nicer, I might add. They have gotten better than they ever were.

You said you would go back again and I have to agree. I was enamored with many of the places I have gone to, but, there is so much out there, and I wanted to give them a broader sense of what the world was like. If I had to choose for you? I would choose Italy, but, you have probably already gone there. I never travel to warm climates in July or August. All the tourists love it then, although I don't know why. I have gone in July and August many times, but, now, I can choose better with seniority, so. I'd rather poke my eyes out with a stick.

I am truly glad you had a good time and the extra $$ were available for you to spring for a few things that made a difference to you and the family.

While not hugely exciting, a more relaxing vacation sounds amazing right about now.

With quieter destination trips like that, I like to bring a book and get some downtime. While not the barn burner of a vacation for you, it may be the experience of a lifetime for your little one. A pool and a lack of schedule may be all you need to create lifelong memories.

I am really liking the 10 day vacations so travel doesn’t eat into a full week off. Judd see t shifting your perception and patterns for that week may have done you the world of good. Great to see you getting away with the family.

I think this has been an eye-opening experience for Smallsteps for sure. She is pretty awesome to travel with and it is easy to forget she isn't even 7 yet. She is more patient with things than I give her credit for, considering her age. I think she is going to have some memories and I will help her to reinforce them :)

10 days would be great. even though the flight is short for us to here (3h), it is a long day at airports and travelling in Finland to get to the flight. A full day each way.

I am going to try and ride the good feelings for the next few weeks at least - even though the weather in Finland sucks ass at the moment.

Have you had some summer break?

My goodness, as you get closer to going home, your posts get less happy! Schedule your next vacation for soon! I like the happy Taraz! Not that I don't appreciate the working and thinking Taraz, but that vacation has brought out a side of you that is refreshing to see.

My vacations were always at least ten days, I agree. It took me seven days just to adjust, to come down, and then I would have three days to really vacate. I'd make sure to get back home at least one day before I had to go back to work, too.


My last post was happier :)
I try to write through my moods, whatever they are. While most don't get it, writing is a bit like artwork for me - not a high school assignment. Does that make sense?

It took me seven days just to adjust, to come down, and then I would have three days to really vacate.

Yeah. It would be nice if there was an off switch to turn off work and life, and just forget it in an instant.

I'd make sure to get back home at least one day before I had to go back to work, too.

This reminds me of a trip many years ago where I flew back from Australia, got in at 4 am, my car had been broken into and the stereo stolen, and I went to work at 8am still. It wasn't an enjoyable day.

Thankfully, We have three weeks more :)

Oh! Lovely! Do you have any other trips planned?

Haha... I like the only photo that has an explanation! A necessary explanation...

A seaside holiday is a wonder I look forward to every summer. I'm inclined to think you and your family do too, or maybe even more, considering you live further north.
Every time I've had problems in the resorts I've gone to, so I've learned not to have the highest expectations. I decided to give up diversity and go to the same place every year. I know what to expect, I know what to avoid, I know what's good.
Like you, the worst part is that the vacation ends too soon. Only the hope that I will repeat the experience next year(of course if all goes well) eases the pain of parting with the sea and the holiday.
Your little girl enjoys it the most! That probably makes you forgive the unpleasantness that can't be missing from any adventure of this kind.

I like the only photo that has an explanation! A necessary explanation...


This is our first holiday together ever. We have holidays each year, but this is the first one where we have travelled outside of Finland and Smallsteps' first flight. She is pretty impressed - hopefully she doesn't think this is now the new normal :)

I decided to give up diversity and go to the same place every year. I know what to expect, I know what to avoid, I know what's good.

I think there are many who do that now - or know what they are getting into. This is our first time doing anything like this, as normally we just book a room in a city and explore. It is different with a child though for now at least.

Nothing has been that unpleasant, just a little bad tasting at times. Overall though, I would highly recommend Croatia as a destination to explore. Bring shorts and enough shirts to sweat through though :)

Being the first holiday outside of Finland, it's understandable what happened. There are always differences between what you see on the website and in the promotion of the resort or town. Expectations are one way and what we find in reality differs here and there. I know Croatia is a beautiful country with a great coastline. I have not been and I don't think I will have the opportunity to go. For me, Greece was the maximum of beauty...
For you, it was your first holiday in the South. There will be, for sure, many more and you will definitely not do like me. You will choose to explore new places, which is normal for young people.
The charm of the Mediterranean area will definitely catch you in its trap.

Certainly my friend, time flies by, sun, moon, sun..., that perpetual rotational movement. Our biological chronometer is the same, when we are small we feel that time is infinite, but when we are adults, we understand that our time in the train of life is limited. Hence, we must enjoy all those beautiful moments to the fullest; holidays are the right time to enjoy those beautiful places in the company of our loved ones.

Nothing wrong with a good holiday every now and again - as long as we aren't living life for the holidays only :)

Oh, when will the bull market come. Last year we rested in Dubai for 33 days. I remember one French 5-star hotel where we stayed for 7 days - Sofitel Obelisk. A room there cost only $199 per night.

I wish the Sofitel in Paris was only $199!! It was $518 a night!

This price was in Ramadan. This fall, a hotel room costs $700.

That's why I said that I wouldn't like to live in a country where summer is shorter with lower temperature than southern ones and most of the year is cold :)

Yeah - I hear you. It has been 20 years for me next month...

I think we can enjoy vacations when we are financially strong. Its a great time that you can spend with family.

And probably, only when we are financially strong enough to soak it up. Otherwise, the vacation feels stressful.

That's why Finnish people are among the happiest people on Earth. You are living an amazing life. All the best! !PGM

If you meet Finns in real life, they will tell you a different story! :D

I am looking forward to meeting them. Now I'm excited🤩

Looks wonderful. Do you ever make any movies from your travels .
Even 1 minute Youtube shorts are a lot of fun to make and watch. 🎥 🍿

I keep forgetting to take videos!! I should practice, as I think they would be fun to produce. I have seen a few great ones.

If you have an iPhone … just take short 5-10 second videos then string them together with the YouTube Shorts App on your iPhone… you can add some awesome music from the YouTube Shorts music library with no copyright issues… YouTube is now promoting their Shorts to compete with Tiktok on their main page so you will get thousands of views … one of my Shorts got over 230,000 views in one week.

It was just an experiment with the Jaws theme…

It’s a lot of fun …

Ehehehe, I notice that Smallsteps is in full suite now. That's a wise choice especially if the sun in the last day was literally burning and you guys are not really used to such sun and hot waves.

Besides, the water there seems very very nice.

Did you land directly on the Dubrovnik airport?

Yep - it has been much better with the full suit. We didn't plan well enough for this it seems - she had grown out of her other one. That is the problem with only having a month of summer :D

Did you land directly on the Dubrovnik airport?

Yep. Straight flight from Helsinki. Three hours, so very easy :)

going to end a little too soon

This is the worst part of vacation.

I'm really happy for you man. It looks like you're getting to spend quality time with the family. Ultimately this is what it is all about. You never get this time back.

Yeah - it will end, but we are planning on riding some memories. In order to do that, we need to seed some good experiences :)

How's the growing family?

Growing lol. The son is lost to his obsession of Nintendo. Mario rules the roost when concerning the topic of conversation. The daughter is becoming more sassy everyday. I already feel the level of difficulty in the teenage years.

I wanted to ask if smallsteps could swim but I remember when you told me that you have been teaching her how yo swim since she was little... that's interesting

And you mentioned that two hotels are sharing a pool? Why is that? I have never heard that before...

She can "swim" poorly. But is getting there.

They are owned by the same chain, but it is weird that they share pools.

Seems you've got a vacation with mixed feelings hahaha ...

Anyways it's the memories the fun and excitement you all had some times taking a time off, feeling a bit of fresh air and the beach sand beneath your feet feels awesome, I hope you enjoy your stay....

@eminentsam48 carezzz

Always mixed feeling. The reddest apple, has a worm in it ;)

And yes, the experience is good for us all.

Lol..... definitely do enjoy your vacation, and you've got a great Family too

How time flies, it seems like yesterday when Smallstep chose to leave Panda. Croatia seems to hook people, I know many who have gone once and come back.

And Smallstep would agree that more than 7 days would be needed 😅, in all the photos he is seen enjoying himself, I'm sure he will never forget those moments 😁
It's difficult to return to the cold north and leave such a paradise behind

It is going to be hard to go back for sure - then I have to drive through the rain home for a few hours while others sleep - terrible!

It has flown by.

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My wife showing her size preferences

Zing! Still got it.

it would be amazing to stay in one of the apartments for a couple nights in Dubrovnik... Without a child that is.

And the man wants to dance!

I'm a big fan of on-the-go vacations, seeing all the art, walking about town, soaking up the history, and partying in the local spirit -- but the partners are R&R beach resort types who like to sunbake (hehehe) by the pool looking hot (sweaty).