Indonesian Experience II - Discover the beauty of Yogyakarta (English/German)

in Worldmappin3 years ago


English Version

Hi Everyone,

as all of us are currently very restricted in our travels because of the pandemic or in our case also because of our new family member, my wife and I decided to write up one of our last big trips to Indonesia. So all of you can at least experience some of the beauty of our world at home while we enjoy the memories doing this. 😀

As we spent quite a bit of time in Indonesia for our trip, we will create a series of about 8 different posts over time each with a different focus depending on your interest.

This is post 2 of this series. We recommend starting with Post 1 - Bukit Lawang.

Feel free to "Follow" us if you like this post and want to read about our later adventures in the following posts.

Deutsche Version

Hi Zusammen,

da Reisen aufgrund Corona kaum möglich ist, bzw. wir in unserem Fall sowieso durch die Geburt unseres zweiten kleinen Zwerges momentan auch keine großen Backpacking-Touren machen können, haben meine Frau und ich uns entschieden, eine unserer letzten großen Reisen zusammenzuschreiben. Wir nehmen euch mit nach Indonesien. 😀

Da wir dort eine ganze Weile verbracht haben, ist der Plan, abhängig von eurem Interesse an unseren Posts, eine Artikelserie mit ~8 Einträgen zu erstellen.

Dieshier ist der zweite Post der Serie. Wir empfehlen mit Post 1 - Bukit Lawang zu starten

Klickt also gern auf "Follow" wenn euch dieser Artikel gefällt und ihr euch für unsere weiteren Abenteuer interessiert.


We wanted to keep discovering new places in Indonesia after a fantastic stay in Sumatra. And there is plenty to choose from with the ~17,000 islands the country consists of. We decided to travel to Java and the city Yogyakarta, affectionally called Yogya by her inhabitants.

Yogja is a lively city with a lot of students that successfully blends tradition, history and culture together. The cultural highlights range from Borobodur, which is the biggest buddhist temple in the world, to the old sultans palce of Taman Sari and the biggest hindu temple of indonesia Prambanan. We did not want to miss a single one of these.

Browsing the APP "Withlocals" we found Didot and his wife, who offered us a private day trip through Yogja with all the spots and insights only a local can provide. Exatctly what we had been looking for.

Nach Sumatra wollten wir noch mehr von diesem vielfältigen Land sehen, das aus über 17.000 Inseln besteht. Wir reisten also von Sumatra weiter nach Java, genauer gesagt nach Yogyakarta. Ihre Einwohner nennen sie auch liebevoll Yogya.

Yogya ist eine quirlige Studentenstadt, die Tradition, Geschichte und Kultur miteinander verbindet. Zu den kulturellen Sensationen nahe der Stadt gehören der weltberühmte größte buddhistische Tempel der Welt Borobodur, sowie die hinduistische Tempelanlage Prambanan. Die durften wir auf keinen Fall verpassen.

Über die App „Withlocals“ haben wir Didot kennengelernt, der uns eine private Tagestour mit allen Highlights und Einblicken eines Einheimischen in Yogya angeboten hat. Genau das, wonach wir gesucht haben.

Borobodur - the biggest Buddhist temple in the world




























To really capture the beauty of Borobodur it is highly recommended to be there and ready with your cameras for sunrise. Our guide and his driver therefore picked us up around 3am in the morning for the 2h drive to the site.

You might not see it on the pictures, but it was in the middle of the night and it was sooo crowded there. We were so happy to have Didot with us to point out the best spots without all the tourists to take our pictures. It was quite foggy which prevented us from taking the typical spectacular sunrise pictures you find on Google. But we captured some magical moments with the fog nontheless.

After satisfying our need for pictures, our guide took us for a tour through the site and shared his knowledge with us. The temple was allegedly built around 900AD and build time is believed to be around 75 years. But the site was completely abandoned and the location finally lost from memory around 1200 AD. It was not rediscovered until 1900AD, but remained as rumors and hearsay of an abandoned and lost religious site among the population.

Rediscovery of Borobodur is credited to the english Gouvernor of Java of the time in 1814, Thomas Stamford Raffles, who persued to prove the rumors and hearsay either right or wrong after receiving reports of these. It was finally restored to its glory from 1971 to 1984 as true to the original as possible and received UNESCO World heritage status in 1991.

Borobodur is situated on a hill and the temple complex is designed like a nine storeyed ziggurat, which consists of six square floors and 3 circular floors.

This design represents the journey through life from Buddha. Every floor up, is a further step along the evolution of your mind and spirit. There are three main steps: You start at the bottom with the sense world of regular humans. Then follows a space of transition, where you start to disconnect from pure bodily requirements. The final three circular floors are dedicated to pure spiritualism and enlightenment. Here you can find 76 stupas, each with a Buddha statue inside.

Da sich ein Besuch des Borobodur zum Sonnenaufgang empfiehlt, wurden wir gegen 3:00 Uhr von unserem Guide und seinem Fahrer abgeholt. Bis zur Tempelanlage brauchten wir ungefähr 2 Stunden, inklusive Frühstückspause.

Schon um diese Zeit war dort wahnsinnig viel los. Unser Guide wusste aber genau, von wo aus wir den besten Blick mit möglichst wenig anderen Touristen haben. Leider war es an dem Tag etwas nebelig, sodass wir keine Fotos von einem spektakulären Sonnenaufgang machen konnten. Dafür war die Nebelkulisse aber auch sehr schön und faszinierend war es dennoch allemal.

Nachdem wir uns mit Fotos ausgetobt hatten, führte unser Guide uns über die Anlage und teilte mit uns sein gesamtes Wissen darüber. Erbaut wurde der Tempel wohl im 9. Jahrhundert nach Christus über einen Zeitraum von 75 Jahren. Im 12. Jahrhundert verfiel die Anlage und geriet vollkommen in Vergessenheit. Erst im 19. Jahrhundert entdeckte man die Ruinen dieses Tempels wieder.

Wir verdanken die Wiederentdeckung dem englischen Gouverneur Javas, Thomas Stamford Raffles, der im Jahr 1814 unbestätigten Berichten einer großen Ruine auf der Insel folgte. Von 1971 bis 1984 wurde die Anlage originalgetreu restauriert und schließlich 1991 von der UNESCO als Weltkulturerbe anerkannt.

Borobudur liegt auf einem Hügel und der Tempel ist wie eine neunstöckige Stufenpyramide gestaltet, bestehend aus 6 quadratischen Ebenen und 3 kreisförmigen Terrassen.

Analog des Lebenswegs des Buddha stellt jede höhere Ebene eine Weiterentwicklung des Menschen dar. Insgesamt ist diese in drei Welten aufgeteilt: es beginnt mit der unteren Sinneswelt der Menschen, danach folgt eine Übergangswelt, in der Menschen von allem Körperlichen gelöst werden. Und die obersten drei kreisförmigen Stockwerke sind schließlich der Erleuchtung gewidmet. Hier befinden sich insgesamt 76 Stupas, in denen jeweils eine Buddha Statue steckt.

Taman Sari - a Sultans playground













After our visit to Borobodur we drove back to Yogya to visit the water garden / remains of the royal garden Taman Sari of the first sultan of Yogya and his family.

Today the park only consists of relics of the former magnificent palace. It's only possible to visit the shimmering pools and the underground mosque, also known as Sumur Gumuling. The rest of the complex has been repurposed.
Apart from the still existing part of Taman Sari, a beautiful little village began to arise between the ruins, where you can stroll around today. Good thing, that we had Didot with us, because those alleys seemed like a big maze to us.

You can see the typical carved shadow figures and Batik art at every corner of the village and watch the production process.

Nach dem Besuch des Borobudur fuhren wir zurück nach Yogya, um das Wasserschloss Taman Sari, das der Vergnügungsort des ersten Sultans und dessen Familie war, zu besuchen.

Die Parkanlage besteht heute allerdings nur noch aus Überresten des einstigen Prunkschlosses. Es können lediglich noch die schimmernden Wasserbecken und die unterirdische Moschee, auch Sumur Gumuling genannt, besucht werden. Zwischen den Ruinen hat sich ansonsten ein kleines Dorf entwickelt, durch das man schlendern kann. Gut, dass wir Didot dabeihatten, denn uns erschienen die Gassen wie ein großes Labyrinth.

An jeder Ecke kann man geschnitzte Schattenfiguren bewundern und zusehen, wie Batikkunst entsteht.

Candi Sewu - second biggest Buddhist temple in Indonesia









In the late afternoon we drove to the temple complex Prambanan, to capture a couple of equally beautiful sunset pictures.
Prambanan is located within a huge park, where it is much more quiet than at Borobudur because the complex offers a lot more ground to cover.

You can also find the temple "Candi Sewu" in this park, which is the second largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia, Borodudur being the largest. It's quite some distance to walk from Prambanan, therefore there are no tourists and you can enjoy the surroundings all by yourself.

Am späten Nachmittag fuhren wir zum Tempelkomplex Prambanan, da man hier einen tollen Sonnenuntergang sehen kann. Prambanan liegt inmitten einer riesigen Parkanlage, in der es deutlich ruhiger zugeht, als bei Borobudur. Es gibt deutlich mehr Platz auf dem sich die Touristen verteilen.

Auf dem Areal befindet sich auch der Candi Sewu, nach Borobudur der zweitgrößte buddhistische Tempel in Indonesien. Der Weg dorthin ist etwas weiter, dafür sind dort keine Touristen und man kann den Besuch in aller Ruhe genießen.

Prambanan - biggest Hindu temple in Indonesia













Prambanan consists of eight peaky main temples and a countless number of other smaller temples. The three biggest temples are dedicated to the three gods Shiva the Destroyer, Vishnu the Keeper and Brahma the Creator.
It really is very impressive if you're standing right in front of it.

This temple complex was also built in the 9th century AD, was abandoned and has fallen victim to the reclamation of nature. In the 20th century the reconstruction began. In 2006 the temple complex was hit by a massive earthquake though, so the reconstruction is still continuing. Huge stones are lying everywhere on the ground, waiting to be sorted and allocated to a temple. The whole temple complex has something like a mysterious aura though based on all the stones lying around and the partially finisehd reconstruction.

After our sunset pictues at Prambanan, Didot and his driver brought us back to our hotel. This was a long and exhausting day but equally rewarding. We've seen and learned so much and taken a lot of beautiful pictures. Yogyakarta is absolutely worth a visit.

Prambanan besteht aus acht sehr spitzen Haupttempeln und unzähligen weiteren kleineren Tempeln. Die drei größten Tempel sind den drei Göttern Shiva dem Zerstörer, Vishnu dem Bewahrer, und Brahma dem Schöpfer geweiht. Wirklich sehr beeindruckend, wenn man direkt davor steht.

Auch diese Tempelanlage wurde im 9. Jahrhundert nach Christus errichtet, wurde verlassen und fiel mit der Zeit der Natur zum Opfer. Im 20. Jahrhundert begann der Wiederaufbau. Allerdings wurde die Tempelanlage im Jahr 2006 von einem starken Erdbeben heimgesucht, sodass der Wiederaufbau noch immer nicht abgeschlossen ist. Auf dem Gelände liegen überall noch riesige Steine, die darauf warten, sortiert und einem Tempel zugeordnet zu werden. Dadurch hat diese Tempelanlage aber auch was mysteriöses.

Nach unseren Fotos bei Sonnenuntergang haben uns Didot und sein Fahrer ins Hotel zurückgebracht. Das war ein langer und anstrengender Tag. Aber wir haben sehr viel gesehen und gelernt. Yogyakarta ist definitiv eine Reise wert.

Thanks for reading and don´t forget to follow us if you want to keep up to date with our write-up.

In the next post of the series we will tell you, how the story continues on the island of Java with the volcano Bromo. Stay tuned 👍

Herzlichen Dank fürs Lesen und klickt gern auf "Follow" falls ihr up-to-date bleiben wollt.

Wie es danach für uns auf der Insel Java am Vulkan Bromo weiterging, verraten wir euch im nächsten Post der Reihe. Stay tuned 👍


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Wieder ein richtig toller Bericht! Bekomme immer mehr Lust auch nach Indonesien zu fliegen, ob ich das bei meiner Frau durchbekomme, mal abwarten. 😉

Herzlichen Dank. Ich drücke dir die Daumen für die Diskussion 😉

Danke dir! Die brauche ich auch😉

Hi @timoremoti!

It is not that I don't want to be tag, but, as a friendly advice, it is better if you don't tag everyone whom voted your post. Actually, it is not wrong, but it seemingly an unwritten rule not to tag people when it is not necessary.

By the way, this is a good post. I like the photos and blog share your experience with the place. !discovery 25

Enjoy a slice of !PIZZA

Hi juecoree, thanks for your comment and your hint. I will refrain from the tagging in the future. And great that you like the pictures 👍

A story of a beautiful trip. It’s been like going on holiday too. Thank you for sharing your adventure

Thanks for reading it. It´s already rewarding to write these stories up and even more rewarding if others like them 👍

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Thanks for the curation work you are doing 👍

you are welcome :)

Dear @timoremoti, you had your meaningful travel Indonesia. Surely, you have brought good memories.
You can also visit our country in the Philippines. We have a lot of #hive active here.

Greetings from the Philippines

Hi @iamlover
The Philippines are definitely on the list of future travel targets. Thanks for the time you took here 😀

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the curation work you are doing 👍

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Not that I won't support your posts anymore if they are good, but please don't tag me anymore in these. It's not wrong but it can be easily considered spam and get downvotes for that, as well as tag people that could feel annoyed to always see a mention in their notifications without actually saying something about them. Thanks!

Shure thing. Will refrain from tagging in the future. Thanks for your time 👍

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Thats for your vote and the time you took for this

Hi @timoremoti, again such a great post. Even better I had the chance to visit Borobodur and Yogyakarte around 30 years ago and this memories just got awaken with such a big big smile.

I still have a colorful "lungi" from Yogya and some batic paintings - Love to travel again.

Please feel free to tag me in other posts with this quality and have a !BEER from me

Hi detlev,

thanks for your time. I´m happy to hear that our post was able to remind you of the good times you had at Yogya yourself 👍

Even better, it moved Yogyakarta and Borobodur up on the list of places I have to visit with my kids.

Hey @timoremoti, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

As far as I remember these structures were included in my history books when I am studying in high school.

Great post of your travels again, and I'll echo the comments made by some of the others again about not tagging people, just to emphasize the point 🙃

Sure thing. Have already marked it red in my list of things not to do on Hive ;-)

Thanks for reading

Hiya, @LivingUKTaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Daily Travel Digest #1402.

Your post has been manually curated by the @pinmapple team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!

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This is a beautiful city, Yogyakarta. I hope someday I can go to Yogyakarta. I am Indonesian but have never been to Yogyakarta.😊

Thanks for your comment and the time you took for reading
Where are you from in Indonesia / is there something you would definitely recommend seeing for future trips?

wow those are really great captures, I hope enjoyed the whole trip 😀

Thanks for your comment. It was a fantastic trip 😀


Thanks for the time you took to look at it 😀

Excellent photos, in addition to all the historical content. However, it is true, labeling people is a rule of courtesy.


Hi Ricardo, thanks for the time you took to read our post. We will definitely refrain from doing it again.😅