Nerd By Northwest #277 – “The Boss Has Spoken”

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro3 years ago (edited)

Dan needs a bit of incentive to leave the house...

Nerd By Northwest #277 – “The Boss Has Spoken”
(Click on the image to see the full-size version)

Totally a side tangent, but ever since I started seeing those arcade cabinets displayed at Walmart during our Xmas vacations the past few years I've been wanting a few of 'em REALLY bad. If it weren't such a pain in the butt to get 'em shipped here to Mongolia, I'd have my own little game room by this time! But alas, geography and shipping obstacles conspire against me. The Covid-19 pandemic is certainly not helping that either. Of all the reasons I thought I thought I'd have to detest the China government, I never imagined them making it harder to get my arcade game fix would be one of them.

My dream list (at least for what I've seen available) would be, 1) the 'Asteroids' cabinet with Asteroids, Lunar Lander, Major Havoc, Tempest, Missile Command, & seven other games; 2) the 'Frogger' cabinet with Frogger, Time Pilot, & Time Pilot '84; 3) the Galaga & Galaxian cabinet; and 4) (of course) the 'Street Fighter II' cabinet with all 3 editions of Street Fighter II. My Gen-X upbringing demands nothing less! 😎

What's your dream arcade game to have in your home, garage, or man-cave?

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I want the old Star Wars sit-in arcade machine with the vector graphics. I loved that game even though I was not great at it.

Image from here. Not sure I'd pay $7000 to relive those memories.

Ooh... good one! Haven't seen that option for the 1up arcade cabinets though. But if you go the route @jacobtothe suggested and combine an emulator with some good 'ole carpentry skills, you could make a thing of beauty... 😎

I loved that game! I spent many an hour - and countless quarters - in one of those. It was brilliant!

Sounds like the perfect thing to put our dirty, evil crypto money towards... 😉

I would so absolutely rig it up to include my Keurig

Build one with a Raspberry Pi and an emulator!

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