Nerd By Northwest #287 – “The Word That Shall Not Be Uttered”

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro3 years ago (edited)

Our D&D heroes fear nothing! Well, except for good, honest work...

Nerd By Northwest #287 – “The Word That Shall Not Be Uttered”
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I don't think it's too much of a stretch to imagine most D&D adventurers as the type who would face down dragons and man-eating giants before even thinking of getting a regular job. You know, people who'd rather explore monster-filled ruins or dark dungeons than put up with a boss or deal with obnoxious customers. Reminds me of this guy... what was his name? Oh yeah... ME. 😁

On a bit of a tangent, in 5th edition D&D they actually do have backgrounds for the characters, i.e. the jobs or careers they had before becoming adventurers. Farmers, artisans, criminals, nobles, sailors... you name it. But one thing I don't see on the list are the truly menial jobs, like barmaids, stable boys, servants, and the like. Which seems to be a bit of an oversight to me. After all, the classic "hero's journey" almost always involves the hero rising from humble beginnings. What more humble beginning is there than the medieval equivalent of a McDonald's fry cook? 😉

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I was running a Star Wars campaign using the West End Games d6 System back in the day. One time, a regular old Imperial accountant managed to fend off about 3 rounds of the party's attacks just by rolling non-stop critical successes on his Wild die to resist damage. Even the Wookiee pounding on him. The brash pilot even said, "screw it!" called upon the Force to increase his skill, switched his blaster from stun to kill and failed to drop him after a few shots (earned himself a dark side point for that little stunt). And this was waaay before the Ben Afleck movie, The Accountant. Any time the PCs are about to gank a nameless NPC we can say, "careful, he may be a Star Wars accountant."

Ooh, shout-out for the old West End Games version of Star Wars! Lot of fond memories of that one. Of course, our GM ran a somewhat goofy game... our group's first broken-down spaceship he described as looking uncannily like a VW microbus with engines and wings. Kind of an homage to 'Spaceballs'... 😁

OMG, if I could hunt down giants, I'd rather do that than work too!

Kinda puts into perspective how unfulfilling & uninteresting many modern careers are, huh? 😁

I'd rather hunt ogres than work fast food.

Agreed. And I'd rather hunt giants than work in government... 😉

Were any of them influencers before they went adventuring? That seems to be a top career choice for kids these days.


Maybe, but I bet their new careers could be measured in hours if not minutes. Medieval/fantasy 'influencers' spending all their time taking selfies with their hand-held magic crystal balls are just too darn easy for monsters to sneak up on. 😏


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