Nerd By Northwest #288 – “Casting Call”

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro2 years ago (edited)

Some character classes need not apply...

Nerd By Northwest #288 – “Casting Call”
(Click on the image to see the full-size version)

Yet another cheap shot at the bard class! I know it's not really fair... but I couldn't resist! 😁

That said, like Nolan here, I'm not too keen on playing with paladins either. We played with a dragonborn paladin a couple years back, and while he was effective in combat, most of the rest of us had to do many of our other antics behind his back. That's just too much hassle. SO much easier when everyone else in the party is on board with our shady activities!

Anyhoo... just FYI this is not necessarily the last we see of Dann Zando the Bard OR Lady Karen the paladin. They're gonna make their OWN adventuring party... with blackjack, and hookers! ("Futurama" reference for those of you uncultured yokels out there!)

Ok well, probably not hookers with there being a paladin in the mix. Lady Karen the paladin may be 'woke', but not THAT 'woke'... 😉

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@sapadetzero was GM in a game where my character was almost as out of place in the group as a paladin would be with your characters.

Ha! I guess the real question to ask is, if you had to do it all over again would you still do the same thing? Sounded like a real train wreck, but a very entertaining one. 😁

Hell no. It was hilarious to see the player responses versus the character responses.

OMG Lady karen the Paladin is my new favorite NPC.

This is so good.


I'm half-tempted to use Lady Karen the Paladin as my next character in the new campaign we'll be starting next week. But I probably won't, because I don't think I can maintain a true "Karen" level of obnoxiousness for an entire game session...

agreed. but it is soooo tempting.
Just a genius character you have created.

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If you've never seen the movie, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, they also rip into both bards and paladins. Great film by an Indy actor troupe, Dead Gentlemen Productions. They have a whole YouTube channel and you can watch the movie in its entirety there.

Ooh, I'm going to have to look into that! Thanks!!!

The character that I'm working on right now is a Halfling wanna-be-Paladin. He's going to strive for righteousness, but... oh wait... that's shiney right over there. I just gotta go look at it.