Nerd By Northwest #316 – “Hill Giant Homesteading Fail”

in COMIC BOOKS fan/prolast year (edited)

Our heroes face an even greater threat than the hill giant chief: his wife...

Nerd By Northwest #316 – “Hill Giant Homesteading Fail”
(Click on the image to see the full-size version)

So we can assume the chief didn't get sick from the tainted stew because the cook dumped his bowl of stew on his head (after he made a crack about her cooking). But how about his wife? If everyone else got sick, why didn't she?

Two words... salad bar! If you remember two strips back, Dann the Bard told the crew that the giant-sized salad bar was the chief's wife's idea. Yes, the other hill giants may not have known what to make of the salad bar... and quite possibly thought the lettuce leaves were something to wipe their butts with🤢. But the chief's wife? You can count on her eating from the salad bar instead, because she thinks that's what fancy city people do!

And as to the two suspiciously-familiar-looking hill giant teenagers in the 4th panel, and why they are not sick? Well that's anyone's guess. But it probably involves them climbing on the roof and flinging spoonfuls of stew on the orc servants working the grounds of the fortress.

But I know, you guys want to know the answer to the real burning question: do those two manage to score? No... of course they don't! 😁

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Hill giant culture is more complex than I thought. Not just bashing brains out all the time.


Actually, she's one of the rare exceptions, mostly due to 'advice' given to her by one of her human prisoners, a noble from Waterdeep. Imagine taking a female hill giant and subjecting her to 1,000 hours of the Real Housewives or Kardashian TV shows. Come to think of it, she could probably be the star of "Real Housewives of the Hill Giant Steading"...

I've never watched those shows, but that sounds like torture.


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