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RE: Does Kindness mean the same thing across the world

in kindness3 months ago

As always a very good read and some good perspectives to consider. You can blame kindness on me all you like lol! It is interesting though to think through what things could be treated very differently between even people who have many things in common. It is especially pointiest right now in our election year.

Gone are the days when opposing parties would come together for the common good, I know there have always been party lines in politics, but never like we have today. It is good to remember that agreeing to disagree when two people or opposing groups have differing viewpoints, is an honorable quality from yesteryear. That's about as safe as there is to approach that without the risk of offending anybody.

It is refreshing and healthy to have discussions and difficult conversations, learn about different cultures, traditions and beliefs, alas some people are unable to understand that, or perhaps not allowed to. Children know no fear, no bias, no hatred, no malice, until they are taught, weather directly, or by watching. I think everyone needs to see that as a species, we need to unite and realize the vast things we have in common, agree to disagree on the things we don’t, and leave a more peaceful world and way of life to our children and grandchildren.

Thanks again for another great post, excuse the spelling and grammar, I’m entering using my iPad, with no checker turned on lol.