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RE: Times of Technological Kindness | Tiempos de Bondad Tecnológica

in kindness4 months ago

I have really been enjoying reading your posts and getting to know you, my friend. I care a lot about how my community is perceived. It's important to promote kindness and sharing to inspire others but there are, as you mentioned, so many people who do things for self-serving reasons. I encourage kindness and sharing about it because there are ways that people may demonstrate kindness that another may not have thought of.

It is good to be intentional about kindness and help to inspire and encourage one another. I appreciate the support from @dreemport and its wonderful members who have become friends. I am so moved and truly humbled by this experience.

I think it is good to have conversations about and discuss kindness in all its forms and to support one another.

Let's talk about kindness and help each other!